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Rpg: Village Friendship Meter

MT Zehvor


Ono it's a drawing.


Anyways, we're not having the huge planets in the RPG just so our map looks good. Each planet(and by each I mean 2 or 3 out of 5) will have villages/cities(depending on their level of technological evolution) that you can visit to find things like info on where to go next, items to purchase(such as lowering Xenon levels but we won't spoil anything), or perhaps a person you need to talk to. Now, of course, the village will start off being very wary of you, if it's not your home village(which we'll discuss later).


Enter the Village Friendship Meter, or VFM, designed by Tenebrae Invictus.



When you first step into a village not your own, the inhabitants obviously won't know you, and therefore will only allow limited access to the city itself, including blocking off access to those you may need to get information from. How do you gain access? By doing favors and increasing your standing in the meter. Each time you do a favor, your VFM level for that village increases by one. With enough favors done over time, you can boost your standings to a level high enough where they practically let you do anything you want there.


This has a flip side, however. Each city/village will have rivals on it's same planet, and when your VFM goes up for a city, it will go down for that city's rival(s). Eventually, you can get into such a bad standing with them that they won't even let you into their city at all, so the VFM will be something to watch carefully in game.





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This RPG is getting complicated.

Yeah, I'm starting to think about cutting some things out(like the platform idea for example). I really like the VFM though, as it helps out explaining some of the backstory for the story.


Would you be able to bring peace between the city's?

That depends on which cities you are trying to bring peace to. Some of the cities between planets hate each other so much because of the (spoilers removed) war, that there's not much you could do. However, if it's just a village rivalry, then there's a chance. We'll have to see.




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How come no one told me about this??? This is looking like a very good game, maybe I should read this Blog more often.


Kpik out.

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The way this is shaping up, we should get some programmers and and make it a game. that way we don't need to win the contest.

That's not a half bad idea. But who would we get?


How come no one told me about this??? This is looking like a very good game, maybe I should read this Blog more often.

That'd be nice. :P



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*has RPGMaker*


*needs person to make graphics*


ALSO, we can make it a game and TBRPG! I'll make the game :D.



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Dude, you need to overhaul the story. I'd suggest taking out the whole civil war part. Just make the other planets cities inhabited by aliens and other species, like skakdi, Keetongu's, and Hotu bugs. also, take out the turtles. But keep Mesos.

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How 'bout this. when makuta died and everyone left, people just started scrapping and reverse engineering the robot. progress happened. I actually don't know. because they can?

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Sure, but the problem is that we need a feeling of distrust between the separate villages. And the civil war explains that.



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Say on planet _____ There are four cities. one is a Spherus Magnan Colony, one is a Skakdi Fascist War Fortress, One is a terna outpost, and one is a Xan fort. In The wastelands there are Hotu bug walking cities and Mesonaks. There will be distrust between species. also, Xenon. Everyone wants it. Greed Brings distrust. But, don't have the main species be Spherus magnans on all planets.

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Well, the only reason we really have multiple planets is for Deavum Omega. I mean, it's kinda hard to comprehend a gas giant atmosphere in the middle of the planet.


But k, we'll do that. Planets might be too complicated as well.



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Nah, it won't be.


Oh by the way.


The Pirates: A mixed bag of warriors, led by the mysterious Novasak, the pirates have an extreme hatred of terna. The will raid anyone though. You might be able to ally with them, but they will still raid your ships. it's just what they do. so they might raid you while helping you take out a terna base.

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Plus, fewls, this isn't a video game. It's a Text Based RPG. Unless one of you lot has good skills with Blender then we are stuck with that, and personally, I dun think we need more that TBRPG.


Unless one of you is a REALLY epic coder.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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