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Chocolaty Froggy Pieces



Wowza. I open my store and less than 24 hours later I have made three transactions totaling $32, plus shipping.


It is mostly of Star Wars figures, but someone also bought a ton of minifig tools. Which is good, because I was afraid they would not sell.


This all goes back to my LEGO spending, strictly, sort of sell what I do not need to go buy what I want/need. Replenishing hobby. I am eying the LSW Pirate Tank, which, if I can not find at BrickFair (either discounted or regularly priced), I can calmly buy through S@H without breaking my budget. (And then sell the figs, though I am keeping the blue torso maybe (for a possible Jayne fig) and the goggle-eyed head (for steampunk stuff).)


Now I am just waiting for my [good condition] Viking chess set to be bought, which is $65 and the best price unless someone wants it new for $80. But other than that most of my "good stuff" was bought buy one guy in Denmark! I may add actual pieces later on, but I need those for MOCing and will only add stuff I absolutely do not feel like keeping. Maybe some tires...


-CF :kakama:


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