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Diet Coke



I'm sitting here, drinking my title. Well, not the title. You can't eat things from a computer screen. Believe me, I've tried.


Friend: "Exo, why are you licking the computer screen?"

Me: "Errhhh...I like food."


There are many occasions where licking the computer screen is uncalled for. Too bad. I think licking should be an acceptable part of society. Well, not really, but I don't have anything else to talk about. I'm going to go make a panini. I like paninis. Partly cause of the name. Looks like pianist. So maybe a pianist got a panini from a pinata and was pining it outside of a pagoda. Anyway, as a sorta on topic thing, I've got a bunch of spiffy avatars that I worked on a couple years ago, and I'm making them look spiffer, with borders and better size and all...so PM me if you want one. http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=136046


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Tisk tisk, Exo. Licking your screen will melt your taste buds off, you know.


Even if it is delicious tasting.



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Paninis are awesome. They make them at CyberJocks :-O

Those french sandwich-things that are like... inside-out grilled cheese sandwiches are awesome too. But they're transatlantic :-(


Wow.. I've never used so many emos in a post before.. even if this isn't really a post.

XDXDXD I mean emotes!!

LOL. I just found out I can edit posts in my blog.

the possibilities are endless > = D

- Eggmutico

And I can edit them back! Sheesh, I figured that out a while ago, brought it up in Spit's blog, and he scribbled my post :(
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here's a transcript of Etty's (I'm not gonna stop calling you that now) incredible revelation:


"Wow! I can edit other peoples comments in my blog! Cool! You're cool, Mobius!"

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