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The Mahri Non-spoilers



I'm a bit surprised by the reactions people have had to the spoilers regarding the 2007 Toa. I wasn't in time to read any of them, and I'm actively avoiding seeking out the pics, but at the same time I can't help but think we as a fandom should already know what's coming down the pipe.


I'll put SPOILER WARNINGS before I write anything, just in case somebody who has seen them decides to post what the truth is, but I'm encouraging people not to. So go into this discussion with plenty of warning.


Personally, I can't help but think that we're getting evolved Inika. It's a trend that LEGO's stuck to for the last two rounds of Toa. First the Nuva, then the Hordika. Why would anybody else think that the Mahri wouldn't be Jaller and co? Let's look at the facts.

  1. The Inika's destiny is to secure the Ignika.
  2. The Ignika is being held by the Barraki.
  3. The Barraki as a species predominatly dwell underwater.
  4. The Inika currently have no ready means of surviving underwater.
  5. We've been told the Inika may be getting new Kanohi.
Sounds like the formula for a mode change if you ask me. If this turns out to be true, I honestly am not upset, or shocked, or spoiled by knowing if the Inika are in fact the Toa we will be seeing in new forms this year. I like the idea. Part of what makes a story compelling is the characters. It's what made the Metru-Nui flashback one of my least favorite elements. Sure it gave us a ton of backstory to the universe, but it also left the characters we had come to know sitting around doing nothing for about two years. I honestly would loose interest if we had to say goodbye to the Inika so quickly after saying hello.


I don't know if this is the case, though judging by the reaction of those who know I can't help but slant in that direction. I understand the reason to surpress the leaked images (policy is policy when that sort of information is concerned), but why the need for such enforced secrecy regarding their identities? If they're the Inika transformed, we already know who the characters are and really shouldn't be surprised considering LEGO's track record. And if we don't know who these characters are...or they are characters who we've seen previously...it still leaves the mystery of why they were made Toa and how they're brought back into (or just plain into the fold).


So if you had it spoiled, don't worry. There's still plenty of mystery left. Or if theyr'e the Inika, you were spoiled back when the Hordika were introduced. Either way, there's still a LOT of the 2007 storyline we don't know. So focus on that.


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don't you remember? The Inika fuse with the Nuva and stay on Voya Nui!


You have some good points there, and I guess it is kinda expected. And in '08 we'll see six more matoran change.

I was thinking the Mahri might already be there, protecting the Matoran. And since GregF has mentioned an early toa, there might be more than one toa team together.


I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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