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A Contest? Where? Here? Sweet!



Yes, I'm having a contest in this blog, and it ends the 25 of July. The point of this contest: draw for me a character from my epic, The Toa with Black-eyes It can be any character, even Makam, who has a MOC form. Here are the rules:




1) One entry per catagory

2) Must be art or something

3) Draw/art-ify characters according to description

4) One "winner" for each character/catagory. See special note 2 for more. This winner will be the absolute representation of the character, others are artistic depictions and part of the story.


Special Notes


1)If necessary, contest will be extended and moved to the review topic of the epic.

2) Remember, all entries can be accepted as "official" because this takes place in the Expanded Universe (credit to bones and swert), however only one "winner" for each character.




1) Xyal; male yellow, blue, and white Toa (element unrevealed yet); black eyes; Mask of Undeath; name on back in Matoran


2) Maneja; female Glatorian of Fire (orange, red, yellow), Ember Blade, deep scratch/scar in left forearm


3) Makam: see MOC (link in review topic)


4) Pratix; male Toa of Plantlife, Masks of Regeneration, Healing, and Telepathy


5) Neelahk; felame Agori of Junlge (green); I'm very open on this one


Entry Process

Several ways to do this


1) Post it here directly

2) Link your topic here

3) Do the above two when this contest moves to the review topic


A form, ahh man!

Name: Your name here
Charatcer: Charater's name here
Entry: Either image [img][/img] or link 


Good luck to all, and please enter. I'm very open on whatever you do, just stick to the descriptions. Thanks for reading and hopefully entering this. :)




This entry has benn brought to you in part by:

The Toa with Black-eyes


Recommended Comments

Well, I guess you can't say I didn't try, right? :P


Oh well, I guess I better move this to review topic, or something, eventually... :rolleyes:

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