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Epic Rethink



Epic Contest #6 has just popped up, one since 3 years, according to some. I encourage many epic writers to take part.


As for me? No thank you.



In fact, after looking at my newest fictions - which aren't Bionicle - and the reviews and the style, I did a rethink.


It seemed that my self had split into two separate writers, and that did not suit me so well. I saw one side gaining a better deal of experience than the other half, because one side was dormant and the other way too active.


I checked back to my drafts and the aforementioned fictions.


There was a big difference. My Bionicle fictions looked appalling.


Well, that leads to a course of action which I haven't exactly determined. I'm thinking about closing my current epic and doing some real storyboard work. Or, attempt to do short stories all the way and attempt an epic after I find a good, solid backing to my writing and character-writing.


It just takes a while, to keep chewing and gnawing and figuring out some things... while keeping an eye on your assignments. Grr...




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It just takes a while, to keep chewing and gnawing and figuring out some things... while keeping an eye on your assignments.

That's the same with me...except that I'm utterly abominable at clock management...and I haven't written stuff apart from school for a long time.

Although I started writing something today - a personal narrative.

My brother always says I should start writing again. Things just seem really crazy in my mind with things to do - but really, it's in my mind.

I just get so bogged down with all the hobbies that I want to do that I end up not doing any of them...and wasting time on trivial things.

So I think now, instead of worrying about what I'm not doing, or what I "need to put off" I think I'm just going to start doing something.

Anyway. That's my rant inspired by your post. :D

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:lol: No one said that being a writer gives ya much freedom.


I do hold back a great urge to type some things about writing. Then again, I can't, knowing how many writers out there could back-stab me if I did.


So I think now, instead of worrying about what I'm not doing, or what I "need to put off" I think I'm just going to start doing something.


I think that applies to anyone who needs to do something. Someone like me, actually.



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