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This Is The Way School Should Be



Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Today was my second day of exams. Sorta.

We have an entrely different schedule from normal for exams days. Exams are split up into three days with three exam periods each -- that means I have only three (longer) classes in a day rather than the normal nine periods. For example, I had periods 1, 3, and 4 yesterday -- three of my hardest classes. Of course, if someone has a free period, lunch period, or class that doesn't have an exam, he or she doesn't have to attend a class for that period. Periods 3, 8, and 6 were assigned today -- for me, that translates: no exam, free, ... orchestra. While fine arts classes never have exams, the administration (because they're deranged) requires fine arts students to show up for their classes anyway. So that means that I had to get up at 10:15, leave the house at 11:00, show up for this one class at 11:30, and go right back home at 1:00.

I tell you, this is the way school should be every day. I actually woke up by my own power this morning; and I wasn't sleep-deprived or anything, even though I went to bed past midnight. The sun was actually up. I had a nice bowl of Quaker Oatmeal Sqares in front of the computer, checking out the revamped Bionicle.com. On a normal day, I certainly don't have time to check the web! Then I walked out the door without even my bacpack -- didn't need it -- and my dad drove me to school. All I had in my pockets were my cell phone and six bucks in case I wanted to take the bus and train home. When I got to school, everyone who had 6th free (which I don't) was leaving the building. Usually when I arrive at school in the morning, I'm half-awake and everyone's walking sleepily through the parking lot in the same direction as I am. This morning, I was shocked to see half the school going in the exact opposite direction as I. It was like I was showing up bright and early for school when it had already ended! Here I am, surrounded by cars picking up students on their way out of the building, and I'm climbing out of my dad's Camry saying, "see you later!" Very weird experience, I tell you.

I strolled right into our practice room without visiting my locker or anything, still wearing my jacket from the freezing cold outside.

"Did you just get here!? You had to show up only for this class? That sucks!" a friend says to me.

Soon our teacher slips Pirates of the Carribean into the DVD player and we watch it on the projector screen for an hour and a half. My dad picked me up from a bookstore nearby at 1:15.

So to summarize my day, my daddy dropped me off in the middle of the day to a place where other kids were corraled and picked me back up again not too long afterward. So did I really go to school today? Or was it daycare? Or the movies?


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Did you have a sub for that class, or did they just do that to torture you and supposedly keep you entertained for a while?
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Did you have a sub for that class, or did they just do that to torture you and supposedly keep you entertained for a while?

No sub. But hey, it was way better than actually practicing or taking an exam.

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