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Going Camping Sometime Soon.

Tylerax Toa of Awesome


I don't the exact day we are going camping, but it's coming up soon. Might as well let people know why I'm gone now when they wonder why I'm gone later.


I think we are going to Maine and Niagra Falls. This will be our 1st vacation where we travel the east part of the U.S. instead of going west like we have been doing recently in our past summer vacations.


Here's some random things: I've been playing a lot of Metal Gear Solid 3 and I've been trying to write the new chapter of my comedy. I want to get the Stealth Camo and the Infinity face paint in MGS 3. The new chapter of my comedy has been coming along but..I don't know, sometimes I feel like I should do something else besides sit and type comedy chapters on my computer. It will get done sometime, that's what I know for sure. And no, sometime does not mean by the time you die :P


Other than that, not much else going on for me.


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Oh Kewl


I went camping up in the Adirondack's


My mom gave a deer cheeto's and a squirrels tried to kill her.


Ya. But I had a portable DVD player and a play station


I was not gonna do the whole, Techno starvation thing :P



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I have no idea what the Adirondack's is but I guess it might be pretty cool to go to. I'll ask my parents about it, but I bet they will have no idea what I'm talking about. :P


lol squirrels are just evil when they don't get something.


Your mom is nice, my parents won't let us take consoles on camping trips. It's probably better for me because I need to read for school anyway.

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I can take my DS and my phone and my MP3 and my Walkman and my CDs.


And my books and my clothes and my baseball cap B)

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well i can take anything that doesn`t involve a tv. By the way, Niagra Falls is really nice to see, especially when there`s fireworks. Yep, I`m in Niagra Falls.


EDIT: Vacation was awesome! I also went to Booth Bay, Maine to go whale watching (not the fat people kind :P) and went to Cooperstown, New York to see the Baseball Hall of Fame. I even got a bat that they lasered my name into!

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