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3 Villains And A Hero



But probably not the "Hero" you expected...


I finally actually took the time to photograph all of my MOCs that are actually worth showing and shrink, crop, and improve the pictures so that they're all ready for presentation. Now I just need to post the topics! There are quite a few of them. I also took some pictures of the three Hero Factory villains that I own: Xplode, Corroder, and Meltdown. So I thought I'd share those for those of you who can't get Hero Factory or haven't.


And to host all this I finally got an account on Brickshelf, which I hadn't had until just now. :o


So: the villains of Hero Factory. ARE THEY WORTH THE MONEY!?


I for one think so.



AKA Corroder. If you want a set to keep built and display, I would not recommend him. His big claw things are awkward and he's generally hard to pose. HOWEVER, he has some serious pros, mainly the fact that he comes with six of those three-way axle connectors.

See here.

Each one of them is also holding on one of his unique green spike pieces, so you get six of those, too. He's also got plenty of new pieces: 2 Ben 10 upper legs, the Hero torso, 3 of those big flat things... quite a good set for parts.



Or Xplode as some prefer to call him. He's probably my favorite of the three for display purposes. He just looks great, in my opinion. His construction is actually surprisingly well-done considering his size and Hero Factory's reputation. The three red/yellow blended spiky things are neat, and although I ended up liking his helmet less than I though I would, it's pretty cool (although it is huge) and looks good on him, at least. He's also got two of the three-way connectors, a Glatorian neck, another Hero torso, and two red ankle guards. So he's not as good for the parts but better for the looks.



I looked up his name because I didn't remember it and was reminded that it was Meltdown. He has some very interesting pieces, namely those canister things on his back, which are really cool pieces. There are two more tri-axles, two clear Mahri tubes with lime green blended in the center, yellow ankle-guards, Ben 10 thighs, a lime tentacle, yellow Mantax pincers, and two of those new big flat pieces in yellow. That's a pretty good selection of pieces. Also, his mask (for it attaches at the mouth) looks like it could be used as armor or feet or something, and is pretty interesting. He's really like a midpoint between looks and pieces, and may even have better pieces than Corroder.




Yes, that's how you spell it.

You see, I was in Target one day a few weeks ago bemoaning the lack of Hero Factory and really much of anything when I noticed that the one remaining Humungousaur was on "Clearance" which meant it was about $4 off. This by no means made it worth it, but I hadn't seen any reviews of this particular Ben 10 set and it had a lot of unique pieces. So I decided to get it. And I actually don't regret it. :unsure:


You see, there are a few reasons. Now I finally have one of those awesome proportional torsos, for one thing. He also has some nice, smooth limb pieces in brown. There are a number of extremely odd pieces, such as this arm thing, which is entirely hollow. Its bent axle connect the main part to the ball joint allows Humungousaur to BEND HIS ARMS FORWARD! WHAT PLAYABILITY! There's also this weird neck piece that reminds me of a turtleneck and has no connection points. His chest armor is dark tan, which is a very rare color, especially in the Technic world. And lastly, while I still had him built it was actually pretty fun to pose him in various ways made even more humorous by his ever-unchanging expression. :lol: There was just something that made him unusually fun to pose; perhaps the lack of weapons or the smooth design. So, overall, if you can get a Ben 10 set at a discount (half off could actually make them sort of worth it!) I would actually recommend it. Some of the other ones might be better, but I personally like this guy for the reasons above.


So, hope you enjoyed the little reviews. I'll have a number of MOCs posted over a few weeks, and will keep my few blog readers updated. :)



1 Comment

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Hahaha, I bet it is fun to pose now that I think about the expression.


The HF villains aren't doing much for me, they seem pretty skeletal and their attachments are stuck on weirdly. Could we get some more pictures? You've got a good setup there.


I totally didn't realize this was your blog, even though I read the title and saw the gradient text. The layout threw me off! XD I usually like this layout more but your blog had a unique look going on. But then again, text will fit better this way. I had some issues with how it was displayed, being that a lot of comment text would run behind images in the sidebar.

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