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Mishaps, They Happen.



I don't know why I feel like blogging this, but I am.


So I learned that walking around, upstairs and in the dark, is a very, very, very bad idea for me. I'm not a very graceful person on my feet, and I tend to smack my foot into things like walls and doors a -lot-. Basically, I was walking near the stairs that lead downstairs, made a turn to go down them and smacked my foot on the side of the staircase. I ended up falling down the stairs, very noisily, and wound up on my back on the floor.


I am very happy we still have carpeting, or that would've hurt a lot more than it did (My mom wants to put in wood floors, wood stairs).






I have this deathly fear of spiders. As in, I am absolutely terrified of them to the point where I will scream like a little girl and go hide. (When one was in my bed, I chose to sleep on the floor of the guest room for three months instead of going back to my room).


So, seeing two spiders, the size of my face, in our garage and on the floor as I exit the car puts that whole series of events in action. First the girlish scream, then the slamming shut of the car door as I go hide inside. Having your mother run out of the house, asking "Did your sister fall?" kinda puts what I sound like in perspective.



This weekend has just been a series of scares. ._.


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I'm slowly getting over my fear of spiders. It's tough, and I still can't handle spiders bigger than a quarter.

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just remember man, it's not the big spiders you gotta look out for, it's the little ones!


after all, don't you know? the smaller something is, the more dangerous it is!

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just remember man, it's not the big spiders you gotta look out for, it's the little ones!


after all, don't you know? the smaller something is, the more dangerous it is!

Tell that to Australia.


also SO MUCH BBCODE aaghboom.gif

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just remember man, it's not the big spiders you gotta look out for, it's the little ones!


after all, don't you know? the smaller something is, the more dangerous it is!



The little ones I don't see as much, except in Pennsylvania. My friend's elder brother killed a black widow outside and decided to freak me out by saying it was still alive and at the end of the baseball bat he was holding. ._.

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Having your mother run out of the house, asking "Did your sister fall?" kinda puts what I sound like in perspective.

Don't feel bad; I know how ya feel. It's embarrassing after the first hundred or so times but you get use to it after awhile.

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