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Back To School Update

Watashi Wa


I normally don't update unless I have something specific to talk about. At the moment, I don't have much else to do so I will be writing this during loading screens in Oblivion.


First off, Oblivion. For the most part, I really enjoy this game. The only major complaint I have about this game is that the enemies/monsters level with you. I shouldn't have to fight a level 20 sand crab. Fortunately for me, my Destruction skill is at 96 right now so I am rocking some pretty powerful spells. The combat system is pretty bare bones. Why there isn't a lock on feature is beyond me, especially for magic spells. I think what I enjoy most about this game is the fantasy setting and elements. This genre will always be my favorite, and chances are if an Elder Scrolls V were to be made, I would end up buying it. There is so much that could be improved that I think another ES game could be really awesome.


I've also been playing a little bit of Red Dead Redemption here and there. This game is very unique in the fact that there are almost no other western-shooters on any of the current gaming platforms. This game has its pretty fun moments, but I can only take so much of it at a time. After a couple of hours, you just feel like you're doing the same thing over and over again, even amidst all of the mini-games Rockstar tried to spice up the game with. The multiplayer, oddly enough, is really fun. I've only played a few hours at the most but I enjoyed what I experienced. I essentially got this game for free (after I traded in a ton of old games for my 360, my original DS, and a few other items) so I think it was a pretty good deal.


Probably the best thing that's happened to me in the past month or so (besides getting a job) was getting two games for less than the price of one full retail game. I got Blur for $20 at the end of June and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 for $12. I probably wouldn't have bought either of these games if they weren't on sale. Blur is a great game. The singleplayer is exactly what I'd expect out of a kart racing game. Battlefield singleplayer was pretty mediocre. However, the online aspects of these games really shine. Unforunately, next to no one bought Blur. I rarely see more than 1000 people on at a time. Battlefield is a different story. I mostly bought this game to hold me over until Reach (SEPTEMBER 14th HURRY IT UP). I really enjoy Battlefield online, even though I've only played one gametype. My favorite class is probably the Medic. Reviving people is so much fun, and it gives out points like nobody's business.


Currently eagerly anticipating the release of Halo: Reach. This game is seriously going to mess with my grades this semester. I'll have to practice some major discipline to stay on the Dean's list this semester.


Interestingly enough, I'm excited to start this semester. Intro to Mass Media and Java should be interesting classes. Business Writing should be easy; I don't know what to think about Issues of Global Trade (if it's anything like Economics then blehhh). Stats 2 will probably be the class that gives me the most trouble.


My job has been going pretty smoothly. I should get paid tomorrow, after waiting over 3 weeks for my first paycheck. Hopefully it will be pretty sizable.


I've been reading the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels and boy are these a riot. I've finished the first two and am eager to start the rest. I've enjoyed them so much I may actually start buying them. If the movie is anything like the novels, we should be laughing the entirety of the movie. I'm excited.


Anywho, I'm starting this movie called Gigantic on Netflix for my 360, so I guess this is goodbye for now. :) I hope you all had a fantastic summer, and have a great school year!


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Hey, you didn't talk about the other really awesome games you've played with me. :( (Blur and Battlefield: BC2)


There, I updated. :P I didn't include Blur initially because I talked about it in an earlier blog, I think.

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