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Well, I'm back from a brief vacation, and managed to get some work done on the game. As far as definite progress goes, I've finished mapping the first Act II dungeon and am about 1/4 of the way through programming it. I'm not quite ready to show a screenshot yet, though maybe next time would be good. There are a few things that have to happen before I'll be ready, but they should happens soon.


Also, I've finished spriting all of the Act II bosses, with the last one sprited being the first one encountered. Once again, I can't show too much of it, but I can say it's the ugliest creature I've ever conceived, and considering my self-proclaimed best sketch is of a decomposing zombie dragon, that's saying quite a bit.


As far as the rest of Act II, there's quite a bit to be done. There are once again three dungeons (by sheer coincidence—the act after will have more than that), each requiring a unique tileset, and one of them being so big you won't even see all of it on your first visit; there's also quite a bit of non-dungeon gameplay here, so there's definitely a lot left to do yet before the next Demo arrives. Actually, truth be told, the next thing I'll probably do is make a list of the things that need to be done so I can start working on them instead of sitting here overwhelmed.


I'll try to get in some more teasers next time, and also I'll try to take less time making the next part of the game.


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BTW, since the library review asked about the maps, could I suggest some stuff to help make them less bland?


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1. Add moss and maybe a few Tallon-Overworld-esque fungal patches to the first cave. It would certainly help with removing the blandness aspect.

2. I'm working on some Vortixx sprites (granted they're going to need a compound event, but hey they work,) to put in Xia. You can quality control them (i.e. edit them) if you want. (Hey, maybe a few Vortixx enemies in Rayg would be good for the Xian Undercity...)

3. Add some birds of prey to Zakaz mountains. No enemies, just a few flying events and occasional hawk/eagle shrieks. You could also make a Bionicle seagull for Cho-Koro if you want.


Just some ideas. I definitely enjoyed this game in beta, and I'm just adding my share of extra tips.


Neya Out. :smiletol:

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BTW, since the library review asked about the maps, could I suggest some stuff to help make them less bland?


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1. Add moss and maybe a few Tallon-Overworld-esque fungal patches to the first cave. It would certainly help with removing the blandness aspect.

2. I'm working on some Vortixx sprites (granted they're going to need a compound event, but hey they work,) to put in Xia. You can quality control them (i.e. edit them) if you want. (Hey, maybe a few Vortixx enemies in Rayg would be good for the Xian Undercity...)

3. Add some birds of prey to Zakaz mountains. No enemies, just a few flying events and occasional hawk/eagle shrieks. You could also make a Bionicle seagull for Cho-Koro if you want.


Just some ideas. I definitely enjoyed this game in beta, and I'm just adding my share of extra tips.


Neya Out. :smiletol:


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1. It's an idea, but I'm probably going to work on the above-ground maps first, since those are substantially worse. As a side note, those early, pre-Zakaz maps were some of the first made, before I managed to really find my mapping style for the game. Actually, I think I'll be re-mapping all three islands completely, possibly even re-designing Cho-koro.


2. Actually, the lack of Vortixx on Xia wasn't entirely[i/] the result of lacking specific sprites. Their absence is actually part of the lore of the game. There's going to be a place in Act II that, if you look around a bit, will shed more light on the subject. As for why the Skakdi survived and the Vortixx didn't... The Skakdi were insignificant to the powers that be, and it was assumed long ago that they would destroy themselves before they posed any threat. The Vortixx... you'll find out about them.


3. It's a possibility, but I think my gamemaking plate is full at the moment. Right now I'm staring down the daunting challenge of making the chipset for the second dungeon, and it will have to be custom-made, at least to a certain degree (possibly entirely), to have the kinds of details I want it to have (like shiny floors and possibly a chandelier reflected in them). I'll still consider the idea, though.


Actually, after thinking about it, having a shiny floor wouldn't be the best idea, since it would require too much effort to be worth it. So... I guess I'll have to go with plain marble, instead of polished marble.

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