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Tabuu's Message: Microsoft Sucks

MT Zehvor


Thought this was kinda interesting, so I figured I might as well share it with anyone who cares to read this entry. I was browsing the gaming web boards yesterday, and came across someone who thought that Tabuu(the final boss of SSBB's campaign) was a subtle jab by Nintendo at Microsoft.





Anyways, this is what the guy had to say on the matter:

think Tabuu was supposed to represent Xbox. He was from another world (MS is from the US, not Japan), he was often in the fetal position like an unborn baby (Xbox is the "baby" of gaming, being the newest main player in gaming), His wings formed an X and his most powerful attack was sending out 3 red rings as his wings formed the X(RROD). He's trying to take over Nintendos world and the characters are trying to stop him. (Like Xbox trying to sell in Japan?). It was probably subconcious but he's MS.

Thought that was pretty weird, and it made me sorta wonder if other companies do this subliminal bashing all the time.




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I assume Microsoft will soon make a boss that breaks like a poorly designed mass of LEGO bricks when you drop it from 2 feet?



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I assume Microsoft will soon make a boss that breaks like a poorly designed mass of LEGO bricks when you drop it from 2 feet?

What's that supposed to mean?


Also, never made the connection to RROD till now, but that's kind of funny.

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343 as in the company that'll be taking over Halo from now on and possibly not making games as good as Bungie's Halo games.


Not that I doubt them, but Frank O'Connor and Nathan Wapole are the only two guys from Bungie now in 343, and they're not the only voices.

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