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Random Aftermath Related Mocing Contest

MT Zehvor


Well, for the last chapter of Season 6, I was gonna MoC some of the more important characters to celebrate a new season and 200 chapters, but then I realized that I'm bad at MoCing. So instead I'mma let you guys do it. Don't you love how I make you do my work?(but notrly)


Anyways, the MoCing challenge is to MoC a Xenon wielder named Ihr. He's...well...can't give away too many spoilers, but he's a roughly Hydraxon sized mutated Skakdi with a deformed head, random tentacles sprouting out due to immense Xenon absorption, and he wields a buzzsaw(along with whatever weapons you want).




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Not even twelve hours after you announced the contest and already you have your first entry. As I've said before, I apologize if it's a little dark. The lighting was actually much better than it looks when I took the picture. It even appeared on my camera's flip screen better than when I uploaded it into the computer.




Xenon-infused Skakdi Ihr


-Zehvor Brenmac :)

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I would LOVE to agree TA. Really. I would.


But I dunno, Blackout does some pretty good MoCs.


As for the name, I got one: [insertNameHereAsIamTooLazy]


And Brenmacs is pretty cool.


I would enter. But I only bought two Skakdi. Ever. So not many good Skakdi parts. And I'm not good with titans.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Finally I have some competition! Great job Mesonak!


Not sure if this would really belong in this topic, but seeing as it does have to do with Aftermath and MOCing, mind as well for now.



Color-Corrected Gorgnak

Brenmac's New (And Unnamed) Vehicle


I could use some help coming up with a name for my new vehicle, as I only recently built it and vehicle MOCs are a rarity for me. I'm also not entering those above three into the contest, I just wanted to show them to you guys, if that's okay.


-Zehvor Brenmac :)

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Wow Meso that's amazing. And I mean it.




Like the vehicle Brenmac. Looks really good.


Anyways deadline is in 6 days...TA says he'll do something and Blackout needs a camera..



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Well, most Toa are about the same size, yet the Mata are tiny compared to the Inika.


Also, you probably could have at least made the pins on each leg symmetrical.


Edit: Finally got around to taking apart my MOCs. I should have something by tonight.


Edit 2: Done.












I've been waiting years to use that claw, and I think it worked pretty well on this MOC. So yeah. It can open and close, too. The buzzsaw was kinda improvised, as was the head. I couldn't find a Skakdi head at the last second, so I had to use a Metru head. I guess it works, since it was supposed to be deformed, and a Metru head kinda looks like a gray, shriveled Piraka skull anyway. Legs are digitigrade for no reason besides that regular plantigrade legs are boring.


Also, TENTACLES! And they have pretty good articulation, too.


More pics available at request and stuff.

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I think my MoC doesen't count as me doing something. Try winsauce.


Your statement is 100% factual if by Winsauce you mean "Not-As-Good-As-The-Others", and if by something you mean "Anything epic".


Mesonaks is probably the coolest in proportions IMO, though I would say that Sonu has the most epic actual customness and design. TA, yours is small, and has a bad quality of custom head design, though attempting one is cool.


Still, one big problem about you three. Brenmac has the middle line of proportions and customness, and I see the color more like his, as the purple color is pretty much impossible in Bionicle without painting. And, in addition,




Still, I think Mesonak does the best at the "deformed head" ideal and attempting to make fake spines in place of the head, and I would put him in 1st, followed closely with Brenmac and Sonu in tie for 2nd, and TA in 4th (as 2nd and 3rd are both taken by the tie).


I'd love to join, but I have horrible Skakdi type pieces and am still experimenting with other things. That, and I only like building toa.


Still, we have Blackout too lazy to get off his butt and post the image of the MOC he did, so we should wait on that (I personally think he just didn't do it though :P).


NOTE: If this was an MOC contest, and not a "Ihr MOC" contest, Sonu would definately be the best. Certainly.


-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Once again lev hits the nail right on the head. I'm not sure where you saw purple inmy MOC of Ihr though, because his entire color scheme consisted of black, green, and gray. (Except for the Skrall Saw Blade Shield I used for the buzzsaw, which had red on it.) I'm also not certain if it was as tall as Hydraxon, as I would have had to do a size comparison (which I can't do now because I took Ihr apart to rebuild the sets and MOCs I took apart to make him, such as Reidak, Zaktan, Skrall, the Skrall Star, Tuma, Ehlek and Huntress.) TA, as much as you tried to make the head custom, it ultimately failed, in my opinion. The buzzsaw is also too small. It's nothing compared to mine, Mesonak's or Sonu (Both of which made the best ones.)


Also, I made my MOC of the Dark Lord/4-Mask (if it really is him) this morning. I'll show it tomorrow, as I start the 10th Grade tomorrow. Sad face. :(


-Zehvor Brenmac :)

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Well, I was actually talking about the fail you did on the arrangement of these pins:




The problem isn't that you used two colors of pins(which I completely understand, and which I also did too), but that you outright neglected to even make them look... good. It wouldn't have taken that long to switch the pins so they were the same on each leg.

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No, that you should have made them both the same arrangement. Having them different like that makes it look like you spent more time taking pictures than building the MOC, and didn't care about said MOC too much at that.


Actually, I'm confused as to why you even have the blue pins there at all. The regular 2-length friction pins would have worked better, and they literally come with just about every set.


Also, on the topic of the buzzsaw, just because it hasn't been shown in the story yet doesn't mean Ihr doesn't have it. For all you know, he could have left it at home or something. This isn't a comic; you can't say that the buzzsaw hasn't been shown in the story when there aren't visuals or amazingly detailed descriptions. Besides, wasn't that one of the criteria of the contest; that the MOC have a huge buzzsaw? Granted, I didn't do a great job at that, but at least mine was a good size. You said yourself that yours is tiny.


As a side note...


His chainsaw is epic...though I have a trump card. A titan custom torso that I have not used since...*walks away*

I don't see an epic chainsaw on your MOC. Or a custom titan torso.

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Taking another look at it, the MOC's body, arms, and legs all feel like a modified Toa Inika, the main problem with the head being the large hole through it. You're really telling me you didn't have any beams lying around that could have helped? I know I'm not being forced to look at it, but when you actually post the pics, it's kind of inevitable. I think my eyes would be drawn to a large black and silver being with big orange "eyes". In terms of being mutated, the head is perfect except for the hole. There is however, a difference between being mutated and being deformed. If he was mutated he would be totally unrecognizable as a Skakdi. A good example would be the Dark Hunter Subterranean, who was once an Onu-Matoran until the contents of a Ga-Metru experiment spilled on him, causing him to mutate into something that wouldn't be recognized as a Matoran at all. But Ihr is not a mutant. He's deformed, meaning while there would be some things out of place about him, he could still be recognized as a Skakdi. Your Ihr, to be honest, looks more like a Barraki. And he isn't. He's a Skakdi.


Bringing up the saw again, would'nt have MT (who is ultimately deciding who wins this) wanted it to look, well, dangerous? The saws used on mine and Sonu's versions both look formidable and deadly. The saw used on yours looks more like a shuriken.


Lastly, in terms of customness, I'll rank them form best to worst.




Mine (I feel like it's sort of a Toa modification, but at least the legs, torso (somewhat) and staff are custom.)



I cannot see this turning out well. At all.


-Zehvor Brenmac :)

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I have to agree with Brenmac. Except I actually think my buzzsaw fails XD


And yay most customness.


Where is MT, anyway? Trying not to go insane from school?

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And it is August 24th....would've done this yesterday but I wasn't here....


ANYWAYS it's time to pick a winner. And for all the talk everyone's been doing, it's time to hand the award to someone who really didn't do any talking at all.


The winner is....




Yes, your neighborhood friendly spider man has made(IMO) the best Ihr MoC. At least SOMEONE made good use of a Hero Factory piece.


Anyways, thanks to everyone who entered. These were all awesome MoCs.



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Congratulations Mesonak. I kind of expected you to win after seeing what MT thought of your version, as his comments were the most positive.


I'm just glad TA didn't win.


-Zehvor Brenmac :)

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i thought sonus was better than mine




Oh well, I'm not gonna complain. :P


Thanks everybody for the competition, MT for picking my MoC, and lol@the TA argument. I agree wholeheartedly about the pins, though the arms are <3



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Sonu's was really good(tho I didn't have time to review it). It's main problem was...


It didn't look much like a mutated Skadki.


Or, more specifically, it looked like a Toa. If Ihr was a Toa, Sonu would've won. But Ihr wasn't, so...



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