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Five Days!

Wrinkledlion X


Woo-hoo! Only five days until I've been here for four years!


Okay, I don't really have much else to say. However, my theory was referenced by another member in a hot topic. (Albeit with no credit given... :glare: )

Here's my theory:


I have several ideas regarding the Ignika shown here.

First, someone in the talkback topic noticed that the sides of the mouth, the eyes, and the forehead are shaped like a person. I agreed, and realized that this person looked quite familiar. This "person" resembles this, the symbol for the Legend of Mata Nui back in 2001. Seeing as how it's trying to reach Mata Nui, maybe it shifted its form to represent him.


What do you think?


Now his:

Fine, here's my idea. Are you ready? You really wanna hear it? Okay, here goes:



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  • My idea is that the Ignika is Mata Nui.
  • Instead of Being 'Asleep', he is instead in the form of a sentient Mask that is guiding the Toa towards repowering it while destroying its enemies, e.g. the Barraki.
  • The 'Sleep' is merely a metaphor for the fact that he cannot access full power, but is trapped in Mask Form.
  • The 'Dying' is both a metaphor for what happens when someone evil gets a hand on him, and a ruse to get people after him in his Mask form.
  • Dume (and/or the other Turaga) is the only one who knows this; he worked it out over a long period and decided to trick the Toa & Jallers crew by sending them on a Mask-Hunt.
  • The Toa Nuva must restore Mata Nui to FULL Power; the Toa Inika must protect him from harm.



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  • The Ignika is the only Sentient Mask;
  • Its 2007 Form bears a face that seems to represent a Toa Jumping. A similar image was formerly Mata Nui's Symbol, before it changed to a Hau; the Mask seems to be an amalgamation of the Old Symbol & Lhikan's Hau, down to the small shape forming the head.
  • In their search for the Ignika, the Toa seem to be systematically eliminating or immobilising many of Mata Nui's Old Enemies or New Threats...
  • The Mask has previosuly been used, by Jovan's Team; this may have been the Incident that made it a mask in the first place.
  • The Ignika can bring new life and keep that life alive, something that only Mata Nui or Makuta has previously done.


Yes, I know, it's silly - but worth a shot.

I'd also like to mention that that is not Mata Nui's symbol. It's the symbol of the Legend of Mata Nui. The Hau is his symbol.


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