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Brickfair & Boldness



So right, I went to that little thing called BrickFair. I doubt any of know what it is but I met some truly awesome people. It is nearly impossible to cover everyone I met so I’m just going to cover what I can. My memories are so fuzzy they’re hard to sort but know they are all amazing and fun filled.

  • Nikira – You are the most super duper nice person. You were the first person I saw and you greeted me with a hug. Plus you told me “hi” whenever we crossed paths, it was nice since we didn’t hang out much besides our brief encounters.

  • Hahli Husky – *poke*

  • Black Six – You’re a cool dude and that description hardly begins to describe your awesomeness. Thanks for the pizza.

  • Nukaya – Your brilliance leaves me speechless. It was awesomesauce to meet you and… I’m speechless so yeah. Don’t sniff that package too much. ;)

  • Inner Rayg & DV – It was awesome making a sandwich with you guys in the back of Andrew’s car. I had a great time getting to know you guys and can’t wait to see you again.

  • Spink & Disky – I met both of you on the same day and you both are amazing people.

  • Smeag – We had like two or three hugs, and not much else but they were amazing hugs, especially when Black Six got in on the one.

  • Primus – You are a really cool guy, I don’t think any other members approached me to introduce themselves.

  • Waffles – You knew my name, or wait maybe it was plastered on my back. Either way you win.

  • Nuju Metru – Such an awesome dude, I had no idea who you were until day two but it was awesome meeting you.

  • ChocolateFrogs – Thanks for being my chaperone. :P

  • Arpy – Hopefully you enjoyed your moose and other thingy as much as I enjoyed meeting you.

  • Xccj – Nice to meet you!

  • Janus – Love you!

  • Kohaku/James – You’re free at last. It was great meeting both you guys. And Joe you forgot to steal my Mario bag. :lol:

  • Random Member – I never did find out who you were. All I know is you stayed across the hallway from me at the Fairfield.

  • Senjo, TwingDing, ToM, Friar Tuck, Levahklah, speaknspell – I don’t thing we ever got formally introduced or interacted much and it saddens me so much. At least we we’re all there and had a good time. We’ll have to hang out next time.

I missed out on saying goodbye to a lot of people when I left unexpectedly early Sunday but I got to say farewell to most of the people I hung out with so that’s cool. Plus I missed out on some other things which is sad. I miss you all so so much. I can’t wait till we get together again.


(I think I covered everyone but it is just so hard to name all of you.)


Oh and I’m bold again! I purchased my Lifetime Premiership with the leftover funds I had from BrickFair. Who’d of thought I’d actually have money left?


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I had a really great time hanging with you bro. Really looking forward to next time! You're super awesome, and no one else will ever understand how much until they make a sandwich with you in Andrew's car!

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