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Kulagi In The Limelight



Yeah, that little Onu-Matoran is probably my coolest character. Not only that, but he's not a Toa hero, but a Matoran who gets everything done. I really need to write an interesting character analisis for him, just to show off how cool he really is. But I don't have time for that tonight.


No, I have a different announcement. Kulagi's two main stories are reentering my BZP life. First of all, I updated the sequel Kanoka Makers of Metru-Nui. I had two left-over chapters that I never got around to posting, so I'm doing it now. If anybody was ever interested in that story, check it out.


Secondly, the classic Kulagi's Kanoka (I consider it a classic, at least) has had a minor make-over. I edited for grammer and spelling for about half the chpaters, so that it's in ideal condition for the Epic's Contest (Number 6). I've heard some people say that it might be illegal to edit the story (haven't heard anything official, though). The way I look at it, I'm doing the editing before I enter the story, and I won't touch it once it comes under the judge's eyes.


I'm also thinking about writing a short analysis of that story here in me blog, to say what went well and what didn't. But as of now, I'm just givin' you a few updates. What I'm actually doing is writing this English thing for school. Turns out us Seniors still have homework. And I thought my last year in high school would be a breeze. :P




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I'll check out the update as soon as I can. I should think you'll be allowed to edit spelling and grammar; it's not like you're changing the story at all.


Well, good luck in the contest. :)



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