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Do you feel any regret at joining this blog fad thing and thus becoming "mainstream" or some nonsense?


Maybe a little. :P

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Did you, when making this entry, see this question coming?



Did you, when making this question, see this answer coming?

And yes.


How long did it take you to come up with your location cipher?

About three minutes.


Eeko, do you like peanut butter sandwiches?

I do enjoy the occasional peanut spread bread.

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At any Time during the reading of this question, did you realize it was actually a statement.

Did you realize that the word 'Time' was capitalized in your statement, insinuating that it means more then the general definition. Possibly meaning existence itself. In which case your choosing to end your sentence with a period implies that one should not question their own existence. Rather, merely exist.


Or I'm reading way to deeply into your question. I mean statement.

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Ah, yes yes sir, but the true question is....



Do YOU Think you are?

Again with the haphazard capitalization. In this instance, the word 'think' is important because to think is to be. Thus YOUR question could be simplified to 'Do you think?', the rest is implied.

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I see you are quite able to read my hidden meanings, sir Eeko.


Now then, I must ask then,


If to think is to be, then what is the purpose of living, for being is not living.

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I see you are quite able to read my hidden meanings, sir Eeko.


Now then, I must ask then,


If to think is to be, then what is the purpose of living, for being is not living.

I'm sorry, was that a question?

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Lol, i think i'll just stop now XD




How's Life Mr. Eeko?


It's goin' alright. I'm a little worried that there's no entries in my art challenge.

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