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The Stuff I Do



So, like said quite a few times in this blog, school's started up as of three weeks ago (The day I got back from BFair) and so far I enjoy the teachers I have. None of them hate my guts, and a few of them liked me from the get-go due to positive comments I got from teachers I had last year.


But outside of schoolwork (Which is, at the moment, doing some notes, some French stuff and making some picture for English, and three articles to write for Newspaper), I've been doing some other things. One of these things is that I randomly got the idea to write a short story, being more on the line of 7000 - 8000 words, that's based around Vlad Dracula. Some scenes involving Dracula came to mind when listening to some music, and I grew fond enough of the scenes to see if I can incorporate them into a short story. The only details I have worked out are those scenes, a modern setting, and... that's about it. I need to think of a plot, some other characters, and then create an outline for it. (An outline that will probably be written sometime tomorrow)


Then there's some stuff I've been doing in regards to Legionarius, which is a project I've been working on for five years now (and it has evolved to a completely different entity from when I started). So far, I've been working on character profiles for the trilogy -- only on the first, which is Anavrin, who has already surpassed five pages in my notebook (mostly the history of the character) and whose profile alone is over 6000 words long (and I'm only about halfway done). The series, so far, has about... 20-ish important characters who will need similar profiles done, some longer than others, more so that when I get to the outline stage, I can work their histories together and give the characters more of a personality and give them more depth -- outside of them being random things I threw in at the last second.


After characters, there's things like wildlife, transportation, architecture, arts, factions, realms (four in total), species (including the government of the harpies and the humans characters), those sorts of things. After all those are written out, that's when I plan to start on the outline for it and only after that's done, checked over for possible inconsistencies and holes, is when the actual writing on it will be started.


Due to size of things, I plan on working on the Vlad Dracula short story first -- mainly because if I get it all done, all checked over, everything proofread a few times, I could actually do something with it other than let it rot in Word. (It'll be too violent for a BZP audience, due to the nature of Vlad the Impaler)



Today, I've had the idea to go to Barnes 'n Noble to pick up a biography of Vlad III, Dracula (Son of Vlad II, Dracul) and read through it -- taking notes, highlighting interesting things, as to try and make the character Vlad Dracula in the short story more like Vlad the Impaler -- instead of just sharing a name, like Bram Stoker's Dracula (the character) who pretty much just shares a name with Vlad III. (I also have that novel I want to read before going into the actual writing of the short story)



I also dumped the Varian contest entry thing I was gonna do in favor of this.


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clap clap clap


You are certainly more into these projects than I would be. Isn't creating entire worlds wonderful? =D


But the Dracula story sounds very interesting. You will show it to me, won't you? =P

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clap clap clap


You are certainly more into these projects than I would be. Isn't creating entire worlds wonderful? =D


But the Dracula story sounds very interesting. You will show it to me, won't you? =P


Whenever I finish it, most likely :P

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