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B C In The Bricks





Matoran of Wonder


Not to be confused with BZPower member BCii, who is in fact a living, breathing human being.

This MOC will not be posted anywhere else, so please direct all your comments to the comments thread. Thank you and have a wonderful day!



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It's neat. I think that's the only word for it. I don't like the Inika masks, and I must say, my bias towards those probably stops me from enjoying this as much as I should. The leg construction is lacking, and the poor raw axles there sticking out from the 'waist' before they connect to the 'hips' makes me sad, deep inside. :( . But I love the red/blue thing you do. I really do. I really need to play with those kind've striking colour schemes. Maybe next time.


So, in conclusion, it's neat. I like neat, so that's cool. Yes?

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I was always fascinated with Matoran legs. This MOC has one of the shortest legs I've seen, but I think that adds more emphasis in the word 'Matoran'. Toa Inika mask, interesting choice. Maybe it's the fact that it's Toa Matoro's mask that got me thinking. There's more than meets the eye to this little dude, but maybe in the meaning too.


And - I spy red and blue.



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It's neat. I think that's the only word for it.
How about "sweet?" Or "f'Pete?" Naw, just joshin ya.
I don't like the Inika masks, and I must say, my bias towards against those probably stops me from enjoying this as much as I should.
Yeah, I'm not a fan of them either... see response to <dd> below.
The leg construction is lacking, and the poor raw axles there sticking out from the 'waist' before they connect to the 'hips' makes me sad, deep inside. :(
You're right, the legs don't quite fulfill their function. For that, I apologize. But I don't see anything wrong with the half-stud length of axle showing in that spot.
I love the red/blue thing you do. I really do. I really need to play with those kind've striking colour schemes. Maybe next time.
The trick with the red/blue thing I do is to put in just enough in the right places, against the right colours. Colour scheme experimentation is an area in which I think most of us are too timid, myself included.
So, in conclusion, it's neat. I like neat, so that's cool. Yes?
Sure, DV. Thanks!


I was always fascinated with Matoran legs. This MOC has one of the shortest legs I've seen, but I think that adds more emphasis in the word 'Matoran'.
They're as short as the 2003 Matoran legs. They don't get much shorter than that unless you go right down to the cute-but-dreadful McToran-type chibis.
Toa Inika mask, interesting choice. Maybe it's the fact that it's Toa Matoro's mask that got me thinking. There's more than meets the eye to this little dude, but maybe in the meaning too.
Well, it is the mask of Spirit... Fitting for a Matoran spirit of wonder, no? And something about Matoro as a character just strikes a chord with me. For the first time, we know a character is going to die. But the story must play out and Matoro must face so much more before the moment of his final destiny. I have a huge weakness for characters who sacrifice themselves knowingly. They give up their most valuable earthly possession - the gift of life itself - so that others might be saved. So the Kanohi Iden used here is pretty much a tribute to a character I greatly respect and love. -_-
And - I spy red and blue.
Yup. Can't get away from it. Been my trademark for years. :psychotwitch:



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The construction is pretty cool, the Red/Blue Motif (Always a signature BCii style) works well. As with DV I greatly dislike the raw axle in the hips, and find that the legs are far too short in contrast to the arms, but overall it's fairly cool.




My one major gripe? THE HEAD.




As much as I love both Matoro (And am intrigued with this 'inevitable death' thing that you mention. PM ME) and the Kanohi Iden--it well, it looks massive on him. And the pose you have him in doesn't help, it looks like he's going


"My head is thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis big!"




But overall he's cool. And he makes me giggle, and that's never a bad thing







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The construction is pretty cool, the Red/Blue Motif (Always a signature BCii style) works well. As with DV I greatly dislike the raw axle in the hips, and find that the legs are far too short in contrast to the arms, but overall it's fairly cool.


My one major gripe? THE HEAD.


As much as I love both Matoro (And am intrigued with this 'inevitable death' thing that you mention. PM ME) and the Kanohi Iden--it well, it looks massive on him. And the pose you have him in doesn't help, it looks like he's going


"My head is thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis big!"


But overall he's cool. And he makes me giggle, and that's never a bad thing.

I don't know how much longer I can keep up this flimsy pretense. The truth is, any MOC with the Red/Blue motif is actually a self-MOC, regardless of the name. Now you know. But I've yet to bestow my actual username upon a MOC, and I probably never will. I'm different that way.


I've come around to yours and DV's critique on the raw axle bit. It's fixed now and (surprise!) looks better.


Short legs + big head = Calvin proportions. I see this MOC as having a personality very similar to the comic strip character.


Comic strips, compulsive laughter: the two go hand in hand. It's OK to giggle.



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Neat little fellow. ^_^ I dig the blue-red colour theme. Calvin-attitude? That would be the near-limitless imagination of our favourite comic nuisance. :P (I have a soft spot for the Calvin & Hobbes comic strips.)



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