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Important Note



This is an important message to all my friends and co-workers (I'm in a few projects). Please note that I am writing this because my parents are about to download my latest homeschool curiculum, and around this time of year, they are weird in the following way.


I regret to announce that starting September 1st, and going on untill further notice, I will only have two (2) hours of computer time (excludeing Sundays [unofficial]) over the course of the next few months.


It is required that you contact me through Personal Message about anything you need to talk about, as I will not see it in the forums.


The following is how I will break-up the time, so that you know when to expect me to respond:


The first hour will be used when I get up out of bed (like I always do). This time will be used for video games mostly, but I will replace that with any BZPower projects that need to be done.


After this I will be doing school work, guitar practice, and any other things my dad can think of to keep me busy.


If I can, I will use the remaining hour to post any compleated comics/voice over lines/reviews I have finished, and reply to Personal Messages sent to me. I will also use this time to update my blog in the way a blog was ment to be used; updateing you guys on the way things are going on my end.




I hope you all understand, and I hope you all will tolerate this unwanted schedule.


Your friend,

- Autodude Dragon :infected:

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