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Book Review



So I finished Vince Flynn's book Term Limits yesterday, after having started it on Monday. Which is fast for me, as while I'm not a slow reader of actual pages, I do normally take a fair amount of time to read through a book. This, however, was so entertaining that I read over 600 pages in four days, one hundred and two hundred pages a day, depending on the day. Is it bad to neglect homework if you're reading? =P


But anyway, back to the subject at hand, that book really was amazing. I just love how he is able to describe things so vividly, but at the same time creates a page-turning read, not allowing the descriptions to slow the pace of the book. Perhaps even more amazing is the author himself. He has dyslexia, and was diagnosed in gradeschool. When he wrote Term Limits, he was initially rejected by over sixty publishers over a course of five years, finally resorting to self-publishing his first novel, which later became a New York Times Bestseller after a publisher saw how well he was selling as a self-publisher. Two other of his novels have become the #1 New York Times Bestseller. And, furthermore, I believe some of his books are being made into movies.


Which, really, is just extremely inspiring. I know this sounds crazy, and maybe I'm crazy for thinking this, but it's made me want to finish and publish the book I'm writing rather than post it here. Though, I doubt I'd be good enough to find a publisher to accept it [especially if his Term Limits was rejected by so many], and so would have to self-publish if I really wanted to.


Back to the book itself, it's an awesome political thriller, complete with assassins, politicians, FBI, Secret Service, CIA, Navy SEALS, Marines, military commandos, bodyguards, snipers, and more. I just love how he made all of his characters -- some of his characters I loved, and others I absolutely hated, wanting to just be a part of that scene and slap them in the face. =P Which is really good writing, IMO. I really do think this is perhaps my favorite book that I have read [though, it is true that I haven't actually read all that many things -- I plan to, now, though, especially since I can get so many books for just a dollar at Book Off, even hardback (the most for hardback being five dollars)]. There also is a fair amount of language, but I don't think it was used excessively, and nor was it distracting from the story.


Enough of my rambling. The tl;dr version: I definitely recommend Vince Flynn's Term Limits.


After I finished it I just had to go to Book Off again to try to get more of his books [really, that store is so amazing. There's an isle of $1 fiction paperback, another isle of $1-5 fiction paperbacks, an isle of $1 fiction hardbacks, and a wall of $5 fiction hardbacks, all of which are in really good condition]. Here's everything I got:

  • Protect and Defend -- Vince Flynn.
  • Extreme Measures -- Vince Flynn.
  • Consent to Kill -- Vince Flynn.
  • Timeline -- Michael Crichton. I've heard this guy is really good from many people, so I finally just decided to pick up one of his books to see how it is, and this one sounded kind of interesting.
  • Debt of Honor -- Tom Clancy. Just another Tom Clancy book that sounded cool.
  • Flags of our Fathers -- James Bradley. Heard this was both an awesome movie and book, and having not seen/read either, I wanted to get it.
  • Stormbreaker -- Anthony Horowitz. I can't remember where I've heard this name before, or who said he was a good author, but when I was looking for some Heinlein stuff [which, unfortunately, they didn't seem to have at a quick glance] I saw this and decided to get it.
Unfortunately, they only had the three Vince Flynn books above besides the other three I already have [Executive Power, Term Limits, and Act of Treason]. Which, even more unfortunately, are not the ones I wanted right now [of course, I still do want them =P], 'cause I want to read them in order, even though you don't have to. But that's okay, as I want to read stuff from other people first, anyway, so that I can possibly buy more from them as well depending on how much I liked them.


Currently reading: Patriot Games, by Tom Clancy.


- Velox


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man you are a going crazy with all those books, I am so jealous, I need one of those shopping sprees.


Thanks for the book suggestion. Also, Patriot Games is really good.

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I think you'll like Stormbreaker [i think I was the one who originially suggested it way back when you were looking for suggestions]. It's a good book; the author is excellent at writing suspense and humor.


Enjoy the books!


*Looks up Term Limits*

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