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I... Can...





Me? Sing? No-siree and no way. I have a knack of going off-tune, flatting and sharpening keys and doing who-knows-what in breathing.


But, that doesn't seem to faze my classmates.


Lemme give the low-down.


I assisted my good buddy in her assignment to be the voice actress - making my voice go squeaky and 'cute', much like a plush animal talking. She would edit wherever necessary and produce it as her final product.



So I did. I had always played with my sisters with that animated voice and a soft toy in hand. It was no sweat, acting like a tiny girl on sugar (The song was called Drinking A Can of Sugar) and merely going 'Whee!', 'Hee-hee!', and all sorts of random quirks.



After that, I left her to her editing. It sounded hilarious. Absolutely hilarious.


I never banked that she would let my lecturer and 'professional' classmates hear my squeaking!



And they liked it!



And they say my voice could go into singing! I think they thought I was singing in that track.



Someone drop me on Voya Nui, or better, that Barraki Pit. Now!


Recommended Comments

Congrats on the erm, sqeaking. :P


I'm kinda in the same boat, I don't think I can sing good, but last years chorus teacher says I can.


But you didn't clarify on the singing v. sqeaking?

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