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You Are A Master Of Nothing



You and I will never master anything. We will forever be initiates, struggling to poorly emulate the feats that the masters of whatever we choose to do make look easy.


And that is what is so wonderful and beautiful about life. We all have a vision of perfection in our heads. We all know what we want. But that want is unattainable in this life, and because of that we will always be learning, always growing, always advancing, always getting better. There is no limit because perfection is unreachable, as it's complexity stays consistent with our capability. Being the greatest is boring; there's no challenge, if someone else can do it, you can do it. But having to fight, struggle and work to get what you want, that's the fun part, that's what is so wonderful. There is always something to do, there's always something to occupy yourself with. The only people who are bored are the people who want to be bored.


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