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Inika (aka: Where I'll Be July 5th)



It's unfortunate. I knew they were coming, I just sorta let it slip my mind that it'd be this soon. Needless to say, I'm buying the Inika.


The last three or four years have been especially difficult financially, with a college education being a much bigger drain on my assests than even the most cynical of graudates could've preparred me for. To get to the point, thanks to student loans, I'm currently $10k in debt.


This will not, however, distract me from my usual Bionicle tradition of tracking down and aquiring the newest Toa sets as soon as humanly possible. If these means shelling out $60+ for a set of Inika at release, than that's going to be the final say on that.


I really shouldn't, goodness knows there are enough things in the fall coming out (2 DS games, the final Xenosaga game, Twilight Princess) that I shouldn't add one more purchase to what is slowly becoming just like every other summer. "Oh, this year I'll cut back. I won't spend as much as I did last year."


Of course, then the Inika come out. And these sets look awesome. Each new Toa cycle, LEGO seriously outdoes themselves. Looking back on the original 6 Toa, it's amazing that Bionicle has evolved into the sets we have today. I feel that I have to pick up these sets, to encourage LEGO to continue this franchise until I'm able to get back into it with the resources I once had available to me (namely my parent's income...and the lack of any significant out-come)


I've already made a few sacrifies to the Great Beast that is higher education (heretofore known as Käreti). Mostly noteably are Axxon (who will maybe find his way into my home when he drops down in price) and the Nintendo Wii (this one hurt a lot saying no to).


But these Inika will be mine. And they will be mine soon. The next step (as is further part of the tradition) will be to build my two Pa-Tahi MOCs of this generation. More on that in a later blog.


It also kind of answers another question. I've been trying to figure out what from my room at home will come with me to the new apartment. There's already a few Twins things, as well as some family pictures. But to make it feel more like home (which is what it'll be for at least a year), I've got to bring a few more things that make me who I am.


One is probably going to be Johan (which is another item I've actually got to buy first), and the other will probably be my centaur MOC once I've landed my set of Inika.


Of course...then I've got to track down replacement Inika figures. The other part of the tradition is that I display all 6 current-gen Toa plus my two MOCs. That's a financial set back for another day.


The moral of today's blog, kids: Take advantage of your parents generocity...and save whatever you're able to. College works-out the pocketbook almost as much as your brain.


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The Inika are interesting, though the new 'mask' attachment is going to prove a bit difficult. Still, plenty of new parts (lower leg pieces are notable) and some new colours (trans!). Jaller and Matoro are certainly on my shopping list, although I'm still not sure about the others. Hahli's got the two-tone blue and white pieces, Hewkii has keetorange and Kongu's just got style. One or two of those, but I'm awaiting further pictures.

Nevertheless, I'm more looking forward to Vezon & Fenrakk and Umbra, though the latter's just an MOCing set to me, I still don't like the design or colour coordination (or lack thereof).


Of course, in my case, this isn't such a large financial decision. College is funded by the government for the larger part, so we don't have to work ourselves into debt for an education. I wish they'd adopt a similar system in the US, so more people could afford a degree. The few who get a scholarship over there are lucky, but a lot of people don't meet the stipulations for one...

Okay, so between 40 and 50 percent of our wages go to taxes, but you can see where it's going, and I don't regret it.

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Heh, all the active BZP members I know are going to be picking up the Inika ASAP. This seems to be one of the most highly anticipated set releases in the history of Bionicle.


I plan on picking up Matoro and Kongu first. Matoro has a really cool-looking sword, and all those new trans-ice blue joints, and Kongu is green and he just looks cool, if a little swamp monster-y.


I'm still fairly young so my Bionicle purchases are funded by my parents' financial resources. ;) What you're going through sounds kind of scary though... I wish you luck in further endeavors.



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Of course, in my case, this isn't such a large financial decision. College is funded by the government for the larger part, so we don't have to work ourselves into debt for an education. I wish they'd adopt a similar system in the US, so more people could afford a degree. The few who get a scholarship over there are lucky, but a lot of people don't meet the stipulations for one...

You know, here in Minnesota...apparently the Governor is pushing to enact legislation that would hand out what appear to be scholarships/grants to those who graduate in the Top 25% and/or performed well in ACTs.


Not to toot my own horn, but I scored a 31 and graduated 2nd in my class. This would be exactly the kind of thing that would've been very helpful three years ago. Go figure I suppose?


I do hope it passes though. Perhaps my sister could re-establish Minnesota as her residence and reap the benefits of this (it's set to start in 2007 if Pawlenty succeeds). Though top 25% could be a bit *high* (my graduating class was a little over 400).

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Man, that stinks about the college expenses...I really like the way they do it in Florida...they have a "Bright Futures" scholarship where if you get a certain SAT score(1270, I believe) and do 75 community service hours and have a certain GPA(3.5 weighted), you get 100% of tuition paid for(if you go to a Florida public university, of course). If you don't quite meet those requirements, you can still potentially get 75% of tuition paid for. So that's really helped me in my pursuit of further education. All I have to pay for is housing, food, and books...


Anyways, I'm glad that you're still picking up the Inika...I've been getting quite excited about them myself - It's amazing how good the newest sets look compared to the oldest ones. As fond as I am of my Toa Olda, they sure got nothing on the Toa Inika. :P

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Well, I layed down the pre-order today. Setting me back only a little under $70. It's a bit much, but I want to make sure I have them before I move. This gives me a bit of time to mess around with them before deciding if they make the move with me or not.


With this purchase, I've pretty much got to stop now. I've got four games coming up that I've reserved (one in July, two in August, and one in September).


Plus I've got to pick up a cellphone, and figure out how I'm going to get Internet into the apartment.


All without actually knowing if I'll have a job or not once classes start in the fall. Heh. Didn't really intend to paint myself into a corner on this one. But the opportunity arose on the apartment and I had to act.

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