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I'm Going With The Flow But It Flows The Wrong Way



I like to write, and I wish I were good at it. I suppose when talent's not an option you just gotta train the skill...


But while sometimes the words just flow and you know the situation and it's just THERE and it all fits, other times I have to force it out the tip of my fingers. Like those annoying dried paint tubes, where you can hardly get the cap off and the tube itself is so scrunched up you gotta piledrive it to force anything out of it.




It's just hard, you know? If I need this thing here to fill the space in the plot, but it's not something that I've got really planned, it simply gets me stuck. I can't wing it at all. Every little portion needs a genius spark of inspiration behind it, I can't simply write the long sections of content that are rather boring to write and end up being boring to read.


Either I figure out a way to keep the action flowing at all times or I figure out a way to do a whole lot of nothing but make it interesting.


Yet both are equally hard.


I suppose practice makes perfect.


A whoooooole lot of praticing ahead of me then.


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I agree. But I suppose rambling on about writers' block just gave you something to blog about. I wish I could do that....

Plot is a tricky thing. It either makes sense or is completely idiotic. Good luck.

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Welcome to the world of Writer's Block. :P This is why it took me almost a year to write the latest chapter of Quest for Lost Dreams, because I just didn't know what I wanted to have happen in it. And if you have to force yourself to write, you almost never like the result.


My advice is to find someone to talk to while writing – discuss a character or plot element in the scene, and I usually find I get ideas for the scene as a result. Or if not ideas for the scene, plot and backstory elements as well.


The very best writing occurs as a result of an epiphany, I think: a sudden knowledge of what happens (or happened) that works so well it usually never gets changed. Unfortunately those are rare, but one epiphany often leads to more ideas...

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Ah, yes, I know what you mean. To your right will be the true essence of good writing. I think. To your left will be the Psychotic Kitty banner. Pay no attention.


Actually, you know it's a good book when they kill off a good character. Like the wise old man, the traveling companion, it just makes the reader go "Nooo!" and keep reading because it might get better. Sad, but true: if it's bad, it's good. (in this case)


~ :kakamanu: ~

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