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Fall Camporee

Mysterious Minifig


My Boy Scout council had their annual Fall Camporee this past weekend. It wasn't a council wide camporee though since the venue was changed from one of the council camps to a (much smaller) county park. It was a rather fun time. I got to be acting SPL for the weekend since no other older boys went. I also got to work with the Griffins patrol , which included myself and three first years.


We worked on the Signaling merit badge in the morning, and I also got to shoot a black power rifle. Meals went pretty well, since the three first years knew what they doing, for the most part. The afternoon was the super troop competition. The setup they had was pretty interesting. There were ten stations, one for each decade (1910 - 2010) that scouting had been in existance. The two other patrols from my troop ended up getting the two highest scores, so we won the super troop competition. Last time that happened at a Camporee was 2004.


Over all it was a fun weekend, my last at a Camporee as a scout.




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