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Mocing Idea

King Kobra


Didn't know if this would be ok as a topic so just dropped it here instead.


I think it would be cool if some MOCists got together and used Skype or MSN to video-call while MOCing and bounce ideas back-and-forth as well as get a look at how the other person goes about MOCing. It's really just a basic idea right now but I think it would really be cool if it ended up working out and having a few MOCists critiquing each other and giving tips during the process instead of after the build.







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Hmm, maybe a live text and image chat, because for one the video quality would probably not be good enough to show details and I think it'd be pretty inconvenient and also people might not want to be seen/heard. The idea of critiquing each other while building over the internet is a cool one, though. Depending on the arrangements, if anything like this actually were to happen, I might want to participate.
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Hmm, maybe a live text and image chat, because for one the video quality would probably not be good enough to show details and I think it'd be pretty inconvenient and also people might not want to be seen/heard. The idea of critiquing each other while building over the internet is a cool one, though. Depending on the arrangements, if anything like this actually were to happen, I might want to participate.


See now the video/audio would be optional. I totally wouldn't mind being on camera or at least my hands and my pile of bricks lol as for video quality that is a good point, though I can say with Skype I have experienced some pretty amazing video quality before, definitely enough to see details on LEGO Bricks. As for the idea of internet critiquing, I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to set up a chatroom/IRC or something of the like to accommodate this sort of thing. I'll let you know if it ends up happening.


Im all for it.

Lol well good, the more the merrier, I'll start looking into it, all input is welcome :)




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