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New Phone Conundrum



Let me ramble...


As far as I know, I get a new phone in December with Verizon's "new every two" deal. (I hope it does not pertain just to my mother, the plan-holder.) Basically, every two years one can replace their old phone for a new one, on Verizon's tab (unless the phone is too expensive, then you pay the difference). I definitely can not get the Droid for the expense reason, though the required $30 monthly data plan is also a factor. However, even the required $10 data plans are also throwing me off.


As far as I know, if the phone online says it requires a $10 data plan, that is required even if I am already on a plan, which I am. (Note: my parents pay for my phone (and we're on the family plan), including the $10 texting plan which, also note, I said I would pay since I would need it despite them not being into it and expected to have to.) I want/need the full QWERTY keyboard, and the only phones which say do not require a $10+ data plan are the Samsung Intensity II, which I am detesting in looks/aesthetic and having the screen to the side, and the LG Cosmos, which is almost as bad yet slightly better looking and I think I would prefer, of the two, to have the screen to the right.


However, the LG EnV3 (and Touch, despite me not liking touch screens) was also on my radar. But suddenly it has a $10 data plan so it seems out of the question. (I have LG's EnV2 and love it (until the front OK button broke) and figured if I stuck with LG most of the functions would still be there.) But even a bigger deal is the Samsung Reality, which my friend showed me and it seemed great!


The only problem behind this is the additional $10 data plan requirement, which seems inescapable. On one hand, I could have an aesthetically pleasing phone, but I can not see why my parents would offer to pay for that as well. So, on a two year plan, that equates $240 over the next two years. On the other hand, I could submit to a lesser phone and save that, which could be used for a) saving, B) the iPod Touch I've been wanting c) the equivalent of a dozen medium LEGO sets (see, I think of spending money in terms of LEGO (except when it comes to LEGO itself)). Essentially I had been planning on buying a Touch this semester anyway, and rarely would I be out and about wanting internet from my phone when if I was on campus could use the wifi. Same for home. I've lived without always being connected this long anyway.


tl;dr: spend $240/2-years on better-looking/using phone than "ugly" and non-extra money sucking phone and instead save money.


-CF :kakama:


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