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SĤĮƤ Ponderings



Say...if I built Atlantis (Pegasus Galaxy city), wouldn't that technically count as a spaceship? [/non sequitur (that could still be answered)]


In the AFOL-verse, building a SHIP is quite an accomplishment. A SHIP is a Seriously Huge Investment in Pieces, resulting in something, most notably a spaceship (though huge navy ships, airplanes, castles, mosaics, big Bionicle MOCs and anything really big are all equal accomplishments IMO) that is over 100 studs long and thus requires lots of time and pieces (and money for pieces probably) to build it.


Hopefully you have seen pictures (or the real things) of some SHIPs at BrickCon this past weekend: 1, 2, 3


I would, almost obviously, like to build one some day (some day soon). While I am going to build Stargate's Destiny, I am probably going to keep that at about a foot long, simply because I do not want to build a 3 foot grey greeble and buy a few pounds of bley brick.


Plus, it would be more impressive if I built something from my own mind (so Serenity is pretty much out of the question). I want to use a few good colors that blend nicely and will allow for some clever techniques. This is not something that will happen overnight, and it will take some thought. But if there was something pertaining to my building interests, this would be quite the appropriate endeavor.


I think the best place to start would be building a reinforced technic frame that is 100 studs long. This would allow me to define the width of the ship and probably add in some slight modularity so I can break it off in sections for travel.


-CF :kakama:


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Check with your MOC doctor to see if your baby SHIP will suffer from Big Box With Plates On It Syndrome.


And if you made it BIONICLE too it would be B).

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Ha. It'll be interesting, for sure. Though I think picture 1 I provided had a pretty hollow interior.


And of course I'll include Bionicle parts.



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