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So Tired...



Last night I was feeling sick of my crowded junk-filled room, so I decided to do something about it. For over a year now, my bed was resting on two saw-horses, my closet was filled with random junk, and things slowly piled up under my bed, on my desk, and all over my shelf unit. Well, I was up all night last night starting this daunting task, and I got everything out from under my bed, which was a lot. My bed was about 3 ft above the ground (I wanted it elevated then), stuffed with a ton of things underneath. So I pulled everything out! My entire room was then filled with junk, you couldn't even see the floor! ( well, you could, but you know what I mean. :P )


Then I went to bed.


I spent all day today cleaning and organizing my things. My closet was packed with who knows what, and now it's almost empty! Nothing's under my bed, and nothing ever will, because it's on a platform now... real low to the ground.


I'm finally almost done! I just have to find a place for some things... and then vacuum, of course.


So tired...



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