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Love those two little teasers you got their. Like the Shadow Turaga you got there.


Oh, did you get my PM? As I haven't recieved a reply back yet.


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Ferohn is absolutely, hands down the biggest Toa I have ever built, in fact he's taller than Persh, yet doesn't give the impression of being lanky like the Toa Resi intentionally does. :happydance:

(He's even taller than Axonn despite the Titan's Rode giving him an extra inch or so. :o)


As for your other comment, unfortunately I have not received a PM from you since late September when we were discussing Matoran Tribes. :notsure:


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...Oh my. I do believe I see Onua Nuva Mistika's Nynrah attachment as his lower leg... I don't know whether or not to be frightened or excited. Possibly both.

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Be afraid, be very, very afraid. :fear:


In other news, I have also recently finished MOCs for four other Toa aside from Ferohn, as well as three Turaga and a Shadow Matoran, so let the speculation and guessing games begin. :sly:


Hopefully most (i.e. six or more) will be up in the BBC or my Inhabitants Thread before the weekend. :lol:

's not allowed to guess.


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In other news, I have also recently finished MOCs for four other Toa aside from Ferohn, as well as three Turaga and a Shadow Matoran, so let the speculation and guessing games begin. :sly:


Hopefully most (i.e. six or more) will be up in the BBC or my Inhabitants Thread before the weekend. :lol:

's not allowed to guess.


Well, I can't wait (for this, or the other "Fractured"). I certainly hope that we get to see Ferohn soon. The height concerns me a bit, as all Toa are supposed to be only about 1.6 bio tall--universally.


As for the speculation, here are my predictions/hopes for the four Toa, three Turaga, and one Shadow Matoran.


Shadow Matoran: This is probably going to be the easiest one to guess. I'm going to put my money on a "Shadow Healer."


Turaga: I'd probably like to see Akito, Pelekua, and Mashau as MOCs, so I'm going to hope that at least one of them is displayed.


Toa: I noticed that Makal has been revamped (I like the new revamp, while I'm on the topic), so I'm almost certain you'll post him. As for pure speculation, perhaps the Toa include Anpu, Aritonu, and Khepera.


Well that's all I've got to say. Again, I can't wait for the updates.


~ BioGaia

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The enhanced stature of Ferohn is a result of his being a Noviris, as opposed to being a standard Matoran.


As for the guessing game, you correctly identified two of the upcoming MOCs. :sly:


Anyway, you can certainly expect new threads this week for three of the five Toa, as well as all three Turaga and both Matoran MOCs. (I've built a second Matoran since that previous post, and neither has anything to do with the short story actually, meanwhile I'm saving the other two Toa until I have another pair complete so that I can post them all four of them in one single BBC topic.)


Until then.

P.S. I just realized I should probably also post the revamped Tarakava Nui whose head I redesigned mainly per your suggestions.


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I guess I can see that, but I always imagined the Noviris as simply being more burly rather than tall. Still, I get that.


Well, I'm glad to hear that I was correct on a few, and I look forward to knowing which ones. I'll be sure to post in the thread(s) and offer my two widget's worth.


Also, I am flattered that I was able to assist you in revamping the "Lava Tarakava," and I hope that it turned out well.


Until then.


~ BioGaia

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Nice Teaser, cant wait to actualy read Fractures when you release it.

Ohh a guesing game eh? Well... If you've built Ferohn, its logical to assume you might have built his friend, Toa Sah Cyhuku? Intrested in seeing his Toa form when ever he appears.



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I like that guess, ~Zahaku~; I think it's highly possible that Ferohn and Cyhuku will be posted together, so we can get some pictures like those in the Cyhuku folder on Toa_Ausar's Majhost.


Yeah, I'm also interested in finding out how Toa_Ausar envisions a Toa of Crystal, as well as how he choses to depict the Kanohi Great Sonterah. (You didn't happen to work out what it would be, did you?)


Last but certainly not least, I'm curious how close we are to seeing Ferohn and whomever else you have built. I understand that the adjusting the C.I.R.C.L.E. Wiki for the new skin is taking a while, and that there are new articles up for voting, so I don't mean to sound rude.


~ BioGaia

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I have discussed a few ideas for what to do for a Great Sonterah with some of BZPower's most renowned Kanohismiths, but none of the ideas have been put into production nor come to fruition as of yet. :shrugs:


Anyway, you are correct that the forced skin revamp on the CIRCLEpedia is chewing up most of my free time, but I do fully intend to take time to get topics posted for several MOCs sometime on Sunday. ;)


Until then.

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