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Country Gal At Heart, I Guess.



Whee! Busy day! *spins and falls on floor* I've only been home for, what, three hours total today?


*is tired*




My mum and I went over to the public park this afternoon and took a walk. This particular park actually lets you pick flowers (and BERRIES! *yayness*), so we got a bunch of wildflowers to press at home, and a bunch of little wild rasberries. There was TONS of bushes all over the park, and the berries had JUST ripened, so you could pick 'em right off the bush, and they had that slight tart in your mouth... Aw, it was terrific.


It reminded me of when I lived in Northern Minnesota (Lived there till I was about 10). Oh, I'd give anything for all that back: 2 acres of woodland, treehouse in the back next to the ol' blue toolhouse, the piles of snow in the winter, ridin' in the back of a pickup without being arrested (:ohmy:), the tornadoes (actually, that wasn't very fun at all...), and the autumn trees...oh, goodness, they were so pretty. We had a great big maple where our treehouse was, and it would turn bright red EVERY year. Gaw, it was the most wonderful time of my life.


And then we moved. And then we moved again. And I don't really like the city. That much. It scares me... :fear:


*stops rambling*


So, yeah, I'm just a country gal at heart. And wild raspberries own. :smeag:


Hey, Bio: Berries>Tim Horton's Ice Caps. It's true. :ohmy:




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*Looks in shock*


Oh my Nikira, it seems with have more similarities....


It reminded me of when I lived in Northern Minnesota (Lived there till I was about 10). Oh, I'd give anything for all that back: 2 acres of woodland, treehouse in the back next to the ol' blue toolhouse, the piles of snow in the winter, ridin' in the back of a pickup without being arrested (), the tornadoes (actually, that wasn't very fun at all...), and the autumn trees...oh, goodness, they were so pretty. We had a great big maple where our treehouse was, and it would turn bright red EVERY year. Gaw, it was the most wonderful time of my life.

That reminds me of where I used to live, though it wasn’t as pretty as North Minnesota. 13 acres, a creek, riding in my dad’s pickup, go cart riding through the pastures, lots of tollhouse that had so much junk in 'em. And we even had a tree house also, that my dad made, I really miss it. It was so cool as it was 3 parts to it.

And you can't forget playing LotR/Star Wars in the woods with my sibs. :P I even miss working out in the feilds, plowing away in 100 degrees.


*Sniff* Me and my cowboy hat just doesn't get along with the neighborhood.




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And we even had a tree house also, that my dad made, I really miss it. It was so cool as it was 3 parts to it.

And you can't forget playing LotR/Star Wars in the woods with my sibs. :P


One: My treehouse only had one room, cause my dad couldn't afford any more wood than that. ;_;


Two: We actually didn't watch Star Wars until we moved, and we didn't watch LoTR until we moved a second time. :ohmy:


No, we played Star Trek - Deep Space Nine and Next Generation, which is so much better. My bro was always the captain, my sis was always either the second-in-command or the "princess", and I was always the lieutenant or the engineer. (Fixing stuff on the "ship" wasn't boring to me.) We did that for AGES: every time we went to a playground, like, in the park, we'd play ST, and we'd end up getting every other kid on the playground to play with us. :lol:


Ah, good times. But now, of course, we play Bionicle. A-duh. I'm always Toa Vakama. Always. Oo



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I didn't get into Star Trek till recently two years ago, even though I knew a little about it before and my parents have always been fans. I don't know how I survived all those years without it. :P


I forgot, we played Bionicle alot to, even though back then we didn't know much about the storyline.


At our house now we still play around, though my brothers start playing that with there friends, and I stay inside thinking how imature they are...But five minutes later I'll be Roodaka chas'en them. :lol:



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Sounds like you had a great old place. Too bad you had to move. I hate cities as well. Luckily, I still live in the country. A lot of land... bonfires, a swingset (which I was just on today, and fell off backwards because my hands were wet and slippery because my cousin had just sprayed me with the hose, and got my back all muddy. Luckily I didn't get hurt.), NO tornadoes, apple trees, woods out back, and more woods out front, my grandparents living next door. Yeah, my place is great. Okay what was I saying? Oh, I guess just that. *wishes I had a blog to write this stuff in*



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