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Story Sence



I really shouldn't be thinking of my personal writing when I have homework to do... but oh well.


1) I was thinking about the major premise for one of my stories that I wrote a while ago. (Like, I rewrote it a year ago and came up with the original way back in 03). Anyway, it was these kids getting trapped in a virtual game, where I then got to break all sorts of rules (like the laws of physics) and such. But how did they get there? Unlike similiar shows, where they're strapped into some machine and it's all "taking place in their mind" I had the big computer "digitalize their matter" so that they didn't exist in reality, but just in the computer.


But, wait wait wait! How is that possible? Well, simple, really. Their matter just got converted to electrical energy which went into a massive computer that had the capacity to run quick enough to not only recreate the person but also to create an environment around them. And it's possible to convert matter to pure energy... we just can't do it very well. So yay for scientific advancements in my stories. :D


2) I've written (or, rather, started) a few epics based on the same characters getting sucked in a wormhole, running around in this parallel universe, and then returning home. But they're all independent of each other. But do they need to be? Instead of returning home at the end, why don't I just shove them into the next universe, creating a whole miniseries! Which is totally possible, since I need to rewrite half of these anyway. Heck, one of the ideas was even to incorporate them into the Bionicle universe!


Buuuuuuuuut, coming up with cool ideas is one thing; sitting down and writing them and turning them into comprehensible stories is quite another.




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Buuuuuuuuut, coming up with cool ideas is one thing; sitting down and writing them and turning them into comprehensible stories is quite another.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is truth.


> 55555

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