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My Day With Lady K. (hey, That Rhymes!)



Today was an eventful day. After many failed attempts to meet up, Me and Lady Kopaka, the ONLY BZPower member that I have met, spent a lovely 3 and a half hours together.

It was really, really, really fun. We went and got Ice cream and talked, walked around and talked, went into a bookstore and talked, walked back the way we came and talked, sat on a bench in front of a church and talked.


So, yah, we did ALOT of talking. But, truthfully, that's the best part.

I got to talk to here about tones of stuff, but the most prominent thing we talked about was The Glitch in the System Universe. I got to actually dive into the thoughts and inspirations of this great epic. Plus , I got to add a couple of my thoughts about the epic too. I even got a bit of an inside scoop as to what we might be seeing this coming in the Sequal.

I won't tell you much, but we might see a relative of Captain Yuuzian int he coming sequel.

And that, is the only scoop i will tell yah about.


I also got to also personally watch her draw the beginnings of Philo T'sak.



So that, my friends, if anything, is my Gloat for the day. I GOT TO WATCH LADY KOPAKA DRAW! BE JEALOUS!


Now, I just wish I took more pictures. Oh well.




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He also got to see me be a ditzy blonde and forgot my debit card so a random stranger had to pay for my ice cream! Yay! At least I didn't trip over thin air like I usually do...


I had a great time hanging out with you. The talking and walking and talking and sitting and talking and drawing was indeed fun. We must definitely do it again.

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He also got to see me be a ditzy blonde and forgot my debit card so a random stranger had to pay for my ice cream! Yay! At least I didn't trip over thin air like I usually do...


I had a great time hanging out with you. The talking and walking and talking and sitting and talking and drawing was indeed fun. We must definitely do it again.

Yah, yah. That too.....

Trying not to embarrass you, but yah!


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I hate living in the other side of the world XDDDD


I'm with you....even though I do hang around America probably a bit more than you do...


Seriously Skully, next time I'm in the area (which may be a while...), we totally need to meet....

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