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On The Myer-briggs Type Indicator

Brave Dragon


Who here is introverted?


A couple hands are raised.


Who here is extroverted?


The rest of the group raised their hands.


As they discussed about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, I interjected.


"I don't trust these quizes."


Why not? One of them asked.


"I took one of those in high school, and several times after that. The results I get are random."


So what's the one type you often get then?




Ooohh. That's an engineer-type, not many artists we know have that personality.


I'm a 3-D modeler who makes assets for games. I'm just as an engineer as I can get. I build and make stuff that usually doesn't make a lick of sense, but the cool factor is what counts for me.


Once I hit home, I googled INTP to refresh my memory on the personality type. And my god. It fits me while crossing its i's and dotting its t's. It makes more sense as I'm not particularly a social person and prefer going to places alone.



Story aside, what's your MBTI?


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