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Based Goomy


Well, people may or may not know this, but October 20th was "Wear Purple Day". The reason behind this was to acknowledge the recent gay teen suicide that has risen over the past few months.


I know kids can be cruel, but drving someone to the point of suicide is just wrong.


This is a really touchy subject for me. I have two neighbours who are a gay couple, and I've known them almost all of my life. They are two of the nicest people I know, and I really love them.


I will never understand why the hatred and stereotyping of gay people exists. When did "gay" replace the word "sucks"? Seriously, around 1 out of every 10 people is gay. Are we really willing to shun a tenth of the world's population? Is the human race really that low?


Sorry guys, I had to let that out.


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