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*freaks Again*



*deep breath*


I just got off the phone with my dad (he's at a Boy Scout thing about 3 hours away), and guess what?


He's taking me in to get my permit when he gets back! I'll finally be able to DRIVE! :happydance:


*freaks out for the second time this week*




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Lucky. I still need to pass my permit test. We took it way back at the beginning of spring in school, but I didn't pass. Then I kept forgetting to retake it, so now my mother has to drive me down to the Motor Vehicles place to take it.


Course, the way we're procrastinating, I might never drive and have to be driven everywhere till I'm 80. Would that really be so bad...?


Anyways, lucky! Be careful out there on the road; many a psycho. I know, and I haven't even driven yet.

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Awsome! I'm going to be taking my drivers test soon, but I don't know when. I'm totally excited, though at the same time I can't belive I can start driving already! :wacko:


Anyway, good luck on passing the test! ^_^



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I hope I can get a permit by 15 and not 16, so I am really looking forward next year.


I have a hunch I might do fine, as I have driven tractors, lawn mowers, go-carts and anything else. :P Thats the way to learn how to drive, first learn on that stuff, then usually you wont have much trouble driving.


*Excited about WWII Jeep*


Ahh well, congradulations Nikira!

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Cool... for you.


I'm scared of driving. I'm glad it's 4 years away... I don't want to be able to drive. Well, I want to drive a monster truck, but monster trucks are a LOT safer than cars. No one's ever died in a monster truck... But more people have died in cars than in wars. <--- It's a fact. :lookhere:



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