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It Came From The Strange

Riisiing Moon


Do you guys ever get inspiration for--well, anything, from a completely irrelevant source? For example, Protohuman mentioned he came up with a story about a perpetually reincarnating world-saving robot from messing with Bionicle sets. Any of you guys ever done this? Do you do it intentionally sometimes? What's your usual reaction?


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If I'm understanding you right, that happens all the time. Someone will say something and my mind will just start forming a story around it.



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*Incoming Transmission*


Oh yes. Sometimes it will be from a quote, sometimes it will be from a single word that I think sounds interesting. I don't usually write the stories that these quotes or words inspire me to form, but I still have them locked into my brain. It isn't just stories, though. It also happens with characters. Example 1: I was listening to "Fireflies" one time, and I heard the word "insomniac." I knew what it meant, and it suddenly seemed like a cool word. Thus I created a character named Insomnia, his name coming from his, well, insomnia.


Example 2: My brother was watching The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe one time, and, during a battle scene, a Phoenix entered the battle, and my brother mentioned a quote having to do with it (I think it was something like "A Phoenix will rise out of the ashes"). I researched the Phoenix, and I just thought it was one of the coolest things ever. I then created a character named Phoenix, who shares some traits with this mythological bird.


Man, I feel like I am really weird when I talk about stuff like this.


*End Transmission*

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