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So Happy Right Now...



Today was my birthday. I turned 26. My day was blessed with many wonderful surprises. I feel so fortunate to have so much love and abundance in my life. Sure, I had to hold back part of my rent this month to be able to eat, but that doesn't change the fact that I am provided for materially with everything I need to sustain and enjoy life. The outpouring of good wishes for my birthday from acquaintances, friends, and loved ones has made me feel truly rich. I am amazed at how many good things have been coming into my life recently: new friends, new activities, new outlooks, new levels of insight, even solid prospects for work and education. The past year as a whole has transformed and matured me through some unexpected, intense and sometimes very challenging and humbling experiences, and for this I am also exceedingly grateful.


If I may speak about our collective experience from my own perspective, I feel we could be on the verge of some very intense times emotionally. Because of this, I've been making a conscious effort to prepare myself, ground myself in steady foundations, let go of fear and malaise and unhealthy attachments, engage in new creative work, make good memories while the making is good, and reach out to others just a little bit more. Time will tell whether any of this has anything to it, but I'm operating on the assumption that it does.


My advice, in general too but especially if things turn upside down? Live life to the best of your ability. See the hidden good. Keep your friends close. Be honest. Have faith in the real. And (I guess this really sums up what I want to get across), DON'T PANIC. :P




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