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I was going to post an update on Friday, but I'm glad I waited--I've gotten some really good stuff done in the past hour or so with graphics, and ALL of the enemies for Loro-Kava and the last island of Act II, Icosa Nui, are sprited. and they are looking great (some of them ugly--the good, mutant-monster kind of ugly). I should probably mention that, just in terms of regular, non-boss enemies, Act II will have considerably more varieties than Act I, almost twice as many, in fact. There will also be enemies that you probably wouldn't expect (and that I won't spoil here). There will be some more familiar Rahi, though, particularly when you reach the Northern Continent... and I'm just giving out the information freely here, aren't I?


Now, that's not all I've done. I've also done a bit of re-mapping of Na-koro to make it more Bionicle-y, and it's turned out great. Have a look:




That screenshot was taken about one screen to the left of the last one, and is the transition point for the town's differing areas.


I also started working on one of the sub-dungeon areas, the Ice Forest area (because this is an RPG; it must have an Ice Forest) of Icosa Nui. I'd post a screenshot, but it's just a couple of trees, a rock formation with a hole in it, and a random rockface sitting on the ground for no reason. In other words, I haven't yet gone beyond the test map on that.


And as an unrelated aside, this weekend I went through my CD collection, and found something I'm a bit surprised I hadn't put on my mp3 player yet: The old Bionicle Power Pack, all the way back from 2001. Now, you young 'uns today may think "Bionicle Music" and hear Cryoshell in your head, but in my day (because apparently 19 is the new 70...), Bionicle Music meant three awesome techno tracks, by Lewa and Gali themselves (or some obscure, uncredited, probably Danish techno artist), and the granddaddy of them all, "The Bionicle Music." I remember my mind being blown to smithereens when I heard that track remixed for the Rama Hive fight in MNOLG, and how awesome it was when all the Vahki animations featured that track, in its finest form, driving their dark, mechanical personas home as they policed/oppressed the Matoran of Metru Nui. Good times.


Okay, enough old-man ranting. Time to get back to work!


Mini-Update (11/10): And just like that, all the enemy graphics are DONE! Nineteen of some of the ugliest Rahi, etc. you'll ever meet. Now to program them...


Recommended Comments

Woah! That's good. It looks much more BIONICLE-ish than the previous one, and since I didn't post there, I would just like to say that the harakeke = <3. Personally, I think the houses were great in PM, but they seem so out of place here. It's probably to do with the way the population of the town. It's not much of a big city (or at least, that's what I thought), and it doesn't seem like it should have anything more than huts. Yanno?


The familiar rahi should include as many classic 2001s as you can possibly add. The more nostalgic, the better. If you can make someone cry tears of joy, that means you've added enough. Also, a creative thing to add would be events that walk randomly around the map, but, when you get within three or so spaces away, run away slightly faster than you can move. You could give them sprites that make them look peaceful. Perhaps look on Biosector for non-aggressive rahi, and add those?


Lastly, the Mata-Nui rock near the bottom-left owns.



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Woah! That's good. It looks much more BIONICLE-ish than the previous one, and since I didn't post there, I would just like to say that the harakeke = <3. Personally, I think the houses were great in PM, but they seem so out of place here. It's probably to do with the way the population of the town. It's not much of a big city (or at least, that's what I thought), and it doesn't seem like it should have anything more than huts. Yanno?


The familiar rahi should include as many classic 2001s as you can possibly add. The more nostalgic, the better. If you can make someone cry tears of joy, that means you've added enough. Also, a creative thing to add would be events that walk randomly around the map, but, when you get within three or so spaces away, run away slightly faster than you can move. You could give them sprites that make them look peaceful. Perhaps look on Biosector for non-aggressive rahi, and add those?


Lastly, the Mata-Nui rock near the bottom-left owns.




It's actually a sizable town, not nearly as big as Xi-Metru, but one of the bigger ones (maybe third largest), and I will say now that I might be using those PM house designs for a later town, though maybe with a more castle-ish variation. You'll see later.


As for Rahi, plenty of classics ('02 technically, from the Master Builder set) will appear on the Northern Continent, but there will be other places where they appear. Speaking of which, I've got all but one enemy for Act II sprited, and the last one I can't reveal, since it'd give the second dungeon away. As for events, I'd rather stick to a more traditional approach, especially for the overworld map. For the outside dungeon areas (cliffs, mountains, etc.), maybe... but not right now. I need to get the essentials down first. Also, tears of joy... well, there's one classic (classic-ish) Rahi set to appear as a 'normal' enemy in Act III, and it should make people cry... just not for joy. Kraawa and RPG mechanics can be a brutal combination...


That Mata Nui rock... it's actually a way to not have to repeat the whole Rainbow Pass going-under-the-bridge effect (excellent when it works, but frustrating until then), and there's more nearby, just out of view--talk to the guy next to them when Demo II comes out.

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