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Windows Emulators



So, I'm looking for a cheap/free Windows emulator.


I'd optimally like to partition the drive for a dual-boot of Windows 7, but I don't have the spare cash with the holiday season to buy a copy of the OS.


It's fine if it eats resources - I'm running a 2.66GHz i7 with 4GB of RAM, and the most demanding game I'd run on it is from 2005. Power is not a concern, price is.


Already tried Wine, it's working for some, but the majority of them hit some sort of fatal error in the startup process.


Any suggestions?


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Four gigs of memory ;.;


But, have you tried Boot Camp?


Unfortunately, that requires the aforementioned OS install disc, which, again, I don't have the cash for.

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Personally, I'd suggest going for XP Professional SP3. It's going have support from Microsoft until 2014 and I'm pretty sure games will continue supporting it for a few more years. And it's cheaper.
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Personally, I'd suggest going for XP Professional SP3. It's going have support from Microsoft until 2014 and I'm pretty sure games will continue supporting it for a few more years. And it's cheaper.


I thought it was discontinued in 2008?

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XP Service Pack 1 was discontinued into 2008.


XP Service Pack 2 was discontinued in 2010.


XP Service Pack 3 will be discontinued in 2014.


Professional might not of ever gotten Service Pack 3; I'm not sure. I just say Professional because I was under the impression that standard issue XP SP3 was unable to use multiple cores.

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I don't believe Microsoft is still selling them -it's trying desperately as much as it can to kill XP-, but I believe you can come by a copy on Ebay for a decent price.
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This may be worth looking into then - I may use a Mac now, but I still love XP. While I browse eBay for a good-looking lot though, any other ideas from anyone?

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