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The Symbolism Of Reality

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


Gosh, I just love borrowing images from Wikipedia

Nah, this entry's got nothing to do with Super Bowl XLI. Last year, Super Bowl XL coincided with the 25 year anniversary of the US Embassy storming in Tehran: I half-expected some terror news to come in the same day.
I'm just going to hang out with my brother, his wife, her friend and someone else, really.

Now, what's the question you see above?
Anyone that noticed an entry in December might've seen where I talked about Paranoia Agent. Well, episode 13 ran last night, and thank goodness for wrapping things up.

The entire series seemed to base itself around a pink dog, a kid with a golden bat, and the psychological escape mechanisms they are.
All I can recommend is that you read the Wikipedia article as you watch it, because there's so much symbolism (just like the opening theme: laughing in the face of certain doom), you have to watch it 3 times to catch it all, and 8 more times to break everything down.

The one thing I take away is that I wish I could read Japanese, so I'd know what equation Maniwa was writing there at the end.

Heady stuff, really.



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