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What I Did On My Thanksgiving Break:



Set off the opening of the CSI: Miami theme at the end of theology class to commemorate the official beginning of break. Observed no amusement.


Hoped and prayed that my roommate would remember to lock the door before leaving.


Got into a pickup truck with three other people headed north.


Saw an Amish type with horses and a buggy somewhere in Iowa.


Read a bit of Fires of the Earth, by Jon Steingrimsson, until it got too dark. Tried to get some sleep.


Got distracted by trading texts with somebody in an airport somewhere. Shared in her dismay over the fact that apparently you can't even say “Happy Thanksgiving” without offending someone.


Discovered that my cell phone has a magnetic field strong enough to disrupt the miniature compass on my zipper pull. Became concerned for my brain's well-being.


Got that song from the Napoleon Dynamite opening credits stuck in my head.


Saw the Big Dipper looking even bigger than usual. Was reminded of somebody. Tried to get some sleep and succeeded.


Was woken up by a blast of cold air in the face as our driver decided to roll the windows down upon our entrance into Minnesota. Saw snow up close and personally for the first time in ages.


Stumbled around a gigantic rest area with convoluted bathrooms in a sleep-deprived fugue and tried to figure out what to buy from its huge selection of stuff.


Decided to sample some curious ethnic soda and ended up choking down some stuff that tasted like cherry cough syrup with bubbles.


Recognized that staying up till 3:30 the previous night and not getting any homework done might not have been such a great idea. Opted not to care anyway because it was awesome.


Waited two hours at a twenty-four hour diner for the rest of the party going to Chippewa Falls. Barely succeeded in falling asleep in a very uncomfortable minivan.


Barged into an unknown somebody's bedroom in search of the bathroom after arriving at 2 a.m. Was too tired to be much embarrassed.


Ended up smelling just like I do when trapped in an airplane for hours on end. Felt a certain solidarity with someone in similar predicament.


Took a marvelously restorative bath.


Beheld actual snow falling from the skies. Invoked sacred bovines.


Saw an episode of Psych in which Tim Curry guest starred. Was much amused.


Ate food. Was dissuaded from making a turkey sandwich by societal niceties.


Played pool on a hilariously warped table. Played Beatles Rock Band not long after.


Slept long enough to atone for all injustices visited to my schedule earlier in the week.


Banged out four pages of frippery in the course of an afternoon. Was pleased with results.


Watched How to Train Your Dragon for the first time ever. Made 'squee' sorts of noises in reaction to Toothless's cuteness.


Finished that one Fireflies parody as part of a successful attempt at a procrastinating binge before polishing off an essay due at midnight.


Drove home. Nearly died from sheer boredom in Iowa.


Got back on campus. Rendezvoused with somebody and gave the gift of pop that tastes like the blood of Swedish fish.

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