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Toa Dieing And Stuff.





The Toa Mahri being killed by the Barracki's armies while giving Matoro the time he needed to save the universe would have been interesting. It also would've made that year even more tragic. It would've been sadder, yes, but it would have also shown that not every team of heroes survives their missions.


*Spits out coffee*


Come on, Matoro dieing was bad enough, but the rest of the matoran turned toa that we know and love dead too?


I mean, create some random team of toa and kill them off in the first 5 minutes of their story, sure. But my favorite matoran turning toa dieing was bad enough.


EDIT: On a completely different note, I got to promote one of the kids program kids in the Kung-Fu I help teach. B)


EDIT2: And now to make an MOC after a looong time.

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Matoro died three years ago. We don't need spoiler tags anymore.


Personally, I think it would have been a good effect to have some of them die. They were all beloved Matoran and Toa. The fact that the idea of them dying is upsetting is the whole reason why it would have been a good plot point.


Though as I pointed out in the topic, wiping out the whole team would not have been as good as just having some of them die- perhaps the three warriors: Jaller, Hewkii, and Kongu.

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