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The Weather Outside Isn't Frightful

Watashi Wa


Please, can't it stay like this for the rest of the year? It got up to about 65 degree today. Lovely day. Sadly, a cold front is about to come through. <<


So my brother is spending the week in the hospital. He was having a hard time breathing while stretching before basketball practice, so he was rushed to PriMed. They didn't find anything, so they sent him to the hospital. They found out that 15% of his lungs have collapsed. He's ok now, but it's rather odd that it would happen to him.


Chem test was pushed to tomorrow. Teacher got stuck in traffic this morning and he had the tests with him. Thank God. I can study a little bit more, now.


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Wow, 65 is your highs? 55 is our lows! It was rather cold and foggy this morning, but it heated up as usual to a bristling 70-90 degrees (bad generalization :P ) in the afternoon. Good luck on you Chem test, I'm still in Integrated Science 1 (then again, I am a Freshman...[yes, it sucks being a Freshman ><]).


And for the thought of the moment: Kitties say "miau" in German! (no joke)





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I'm stuck in Earth Science. Me and my classmates just love cursing the hw. Anyway, good luck with that Chem test...hope you can still save your average.

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I haven't heard any reason to why it collapsed. Parents haven't told me anything. He is coming home tomorrow, though.


Sad thing is that his basketball team is playing in the Area playoffs this weekend and he'll miss it. Hopefully they can pull it off without him.

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