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Its An Arms Race

Watashi Wa


I just bought my ticket for the upcoming Underoath/Taking Back Sunday concert in Birmingham. I personally can't wait to go. The last time I tried to see Underoath, they sold out before I was able to buy a ticket.


My brother should be coming home tomorrow, too. I visited him today with a few friends. He seems fine, though it's got to be horribly boring in that room. He's got a bunch of tests to make up for missing 4 days of shool, though. :0


I've been terribly bored in general lately. Not just with school or when I'm at home, but I don't seem to have any purpose right now. No, I'm not emo or whatnot. I'm just bored. School is incredibly tedious. Almost feels like a waste of time. I'd much rather spend my time working and getting paid. I'm just ready for a change in things. What exactly that might be, I don't know, but I'm ready for it.


It'd be awesome if the weather outside would say above 60 for two days in a row, though.

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