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Tron: Legacy



I liked it.


However, hear this: You can't go into it thinking it's going to be the best thing since Inception. The story is fairly simple, be warned, but the visuals and worldbuilding of the Grid, the characters, and the action make up for it. If you want to see it, I hope you do and enjoy it for what it is.


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In all honesty, it plays out pretty much like Tron: They're at point A, they need to get to point B, and there are obstacles along the way. But there is so much more to it in this one when it comes to character sequences and action scenes.


You don't need to have seen Tron to enjoy Legacy, though you'll be glad you did for little nods towards the first and a better understanding of how the Users' Programs work (and why they look like them), plus who Tron is.


Oh, and the music is amazing. Daft Punk did a great job. I'm listening to the soundtrack right now and it's amazing.


As for the 3D, it is still a gimmick of the movie industry, but Legacy really uses it to their advantage. There was even a moment where I flinched, which doesn't really happen (yet I wish did) in 3D movies. The visuals of the Grid really stand out when they have depth to them.


-CF :kakama:


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You can't go into it thinking it's going to be the best thing since Inception.

How dare you even insinuate such a possibility! Minus twelve house points for you!



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It's been almost a year since I saw Avatar. And please, did anyone really like Avatar? I guess at the time it was amazing and fun and cool, but in the end it supposedly had some sort of "save the Earth" message (which I love to ignore) (but it was on another planet!) and all the hype some people give it make me want to ignore it now.


Objectively, Avatar did it better. But Tron: Legacy comes really close.



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There was an awful lot of talking, and characters just literally sat there explaining what's happened. Clu also looked a tad rubbish, but I excused this because he was a computer-programme-thing. And I overlook the young Flynn at the start, I didn't really notice the dead look in his eyes at that point.


I probably preferred it to Avatar, because it was just prettier to look at. The whole style of everything in the Tron world was just snazzy.


- Tilius

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I probably preferred it to Avatar, because it was just prettier to look at. The whole style of everything in the Tron world was just snazzy.


- Tilius


I was more attracted to Legacy than Avatar.



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It was good. He was a club owner. He needed to be a little eccentric.

I didn't like him when he turned though. But when you first meet him he's pretty cool and in control.



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I saw it yesterday, and I think I know the exact point where you flinched. I did too.


But yeah. Daft did a great job and the visuals were awesome as expected. I was not disappointed and actually want to see it again.

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It was good. He was a club owner. He needed to be a little eccentric.

I didn't like him when he turned though. But when you first meet him he's pretty cool and in control.



I liked him all the way through, his dancing about was just funny. Kinda Riddler-esque, too, though obviously a more along the lines of Jim Carrey's interpretation than the comic book version. Sheen would make a good Riddler, though....


- Tilius

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