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Hey Everyone Should Know I Contacted Member X!



First off, I'd like to say there is currently no one by the name of Member X (which is really kind of surprising). Anyway, this is not whether or not Member X does or does not exist or whether said will or will not exist. What I'm writing about is posting to let everyone know you sent a Personal Message to a certain member. Yes, you might be posting to let the person know you sent him/her a PM or asking if said member got your PM, but when you post it, you're also telling everyone else this information.


Let me get to the point: THIS IS SPAM. If said member does not see you sent them a PM, posting to notify or ask is not only not necessary, it's an unwanted post. If you are unsure whether the person got the PM, contact that person again, only if it is necessary. As I and others have said, it is not always necessary to reply to every PM. If you and someone else are working out something, then communication is necessary; therefore, it is necessary to reply.


Remember that a lot of people do have lives outside BZP, and the server may not work like it's supposed to when they are on. Perhaps s/he got your PM but was unable to respond before having to deal with other things and/or just forgot. It happens; that's life, and you're not the center of the universe.


Honestly, there's nothing wrong with sending another PM after a considerable amount of time if you feel the other person missed, forgot, or otherwise didn't get to your PM. Just don't go overboard with constantly PMing to ask for an update, as neither you nor I always knows what's going on with everyone else. Besides, PM space is more limited for some than others, and the more PMs you send to the person you are trying to contact, the more space you take.


Back to my original point, don't post just to say you sent a PM to someone else, especially if that's all you're saying. It's one thing to make it apart of a conversation, but don't make it the conversation point. If you really want to know if anyone reads your PMs, just check the box marked for tracking them.


Note: This does not exactly apply to the Official Greg Discussion Topic, as that's how we get our answers from his questions; of course, we do already know you have to PM him to talk to him. So saying you PM'd him is really kind of a moot issue.


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM


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