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So I got around to seeing this today (yeah, I know, FINALLY), and it was good, I liked it. But back when it first came out I saw a lot of people confused about the ending -- not so much here, cuz I don't really frequent the COT forums, but several other places. And I was just wondering... Why? I think the only way it could have been clearer is if one of the actors looked directly at the camera and said, "Okay, here's what's going on."


Also, I don't really get the one tagline, "Your mind is the scene of a crime." That seems completely irrelevant to anything that happened in the movie.


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I was never too confused by it all myself, especially not after watching it a second time. I'm not sure how people found it as confusing as they did. :shrugs:


And as for the tagline, pretty much the everything that they did was a crime, wasn't it? And as it all took place in the subconscious, well...

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People generally got confused about the dream-in-a-ream-in-a-dream-in-a-dream thing. I didn't have a problem with it, but some people did, obviously, and my mom was one of them. I think it's an old-people thing. :P



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